EU economy

Eurozone unemployment at lowest since August 2011

Eurozone unemployment fell to its lowest level in four-and-a-half years in January, official data showed Tuesday, beating forecasts but still too high to help stimulate growth in Europe`s nearly static economy.

Mar 01, 2016, 17:32 PM IST

Merkel tells Germans refugee influx `an opportunity`

Chancellor Angela Merkel in her New Year`s address Thursday asked Germans to see a record refugee influx as "an opportunity for tomorrow" and urged doubters not to follow racist hate-mongers.

Dec 31, 2015, 05:47 AM IST

EU economy chief cheers shuffle of Greek negotiators

EU Economics Commissioner Pierre Moscovici on Wednesday hailed the shake-up of the team handling Greece`s fractious bailout negotiations with its creditors, but warned that reaching a deal soon was "urgent."

Apr 29, 2015, 19:23 PM IST

Greek PM Tsipras meets Putin in talks that irk EU

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras met Kremlin strongman Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Wednesday with the EU nervous that cash-strapped Athens is trying to cosy up to Russia.

Apr 08, 2015, 17:20 PM IST

Inflation negative in France for first time in 5 years

Inflation in France, the eurozone`s second-biggest economy, was negative in January for the first time in more than five years, the national statistics agency said on Thursday.

Feb 19, 2015, 14:32 PM IST

Stagnant Eurozone poses 'major risk' to world growth: OECD

The weak eurozone economy poses a key threat to global growth, the OECD warned Tuesday, urging more flexibility in fiscal rules for struggling EU members like France and Italy to prevent another recession.

Nov 25, 2014, 18:31 PM IST

EU's Juncker to unveil giant investment plan on Wednesday

Juncker will present details of the ambitious plan to a session of the European Parliament, which is sitting in Strasbourg, France, at 9am, the official parliamentary schedule said.

Nov 21, 2014, 08:13 AM IST

Juncker's new EU Commission takes office

The new European Commission led by EU veteran Jean-Claude Juncker formally took office on Saturday, promising to "get down to work" as Europe faces a host of political and economic challenges.

Nov 01, 2014, 15:46 PM IST

Prolonged German downturn could prompt stimulus rethink

The last thing the faltering European economy would appear to need right now is a sudden downturn in Germany, hitherto the bloc`s pillar of strength.

Oct 08, 2014, 12:32 PM IST

Jean-Claude Juncker names new EU Commission team

Jean-Claude Juncker, incoming head of the European Commission, named his team for the next five years Wednesday to face the daunting challenges of a stalled EU economy and widespread disillusionment.

Sep 10, 2014, 18:56 PM IST