European Central Bank

Asian markets mostly up but Shanghai tumbles again

The euro held its ground after Greece`s weekend vote against creditors` austerity proposals, with dealers hoping contagion will be limited if a bailout reform deal cannot be reached.

Jul 07, 2015, 08:25 AM IST

Germany, France demand `serious` proposals from Greece after `No` vote

Germany and France on Monday called on Greece to make detailed proposals to revive bailout talks, a day after Greek voters defiantly rejected creditors` demands for further austerity, plunging Europe into crisis.

Jul 07, 2015, 04:45 AM IST

Germany, France press Greece to make credible proposals

France and Germany told Greece to come up with serious proposals in order to restart financial aid talks, raising pressure on Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to compromise a day after his country voted overwhelmingly against more austerity.

Jul 07, 2015, 02:13 AM IST

Grexit not a foregone conclusion despite 'no' vote: DBS

The largest Singaporean lender, DBS Bank, said Monday that the overwhelming Greece vote against austerity measures on Sunday is not a foregone conclusion for its exit from the euro zone.

Jul 07, 2015, 00:02 AM IST

Germany dismisses Greece bid for new bailout after `No` vote

Germany on Monday dismissed Greece`s bid to clinch a quick new debt deal after the country delivered a resounding `No` to more austerity, appearing little moved by the surprise resignation of the Greek finance minister.

Jul 06, 2015, 23:51 PM IST

All eyes on ECB after Greek `No` vote

All eyes turned to the European Central Bank Monday following the resounding `No` in Greece`s referendum, as it is seen as the only institution capable of stemming market panic and preventing the Greek economy from collapsing.

Jul 06, 2015, 20:30 PM IST

Euro, stocks hit by Greek vote; China bounces after rescue moves

Asian stocks and the euro stumbled on Monday after a Greek vote against austerity measures endangered its future in the single currency and raised the risk of a full-blown crisis in the euro zone. 

Jul 06, 2015, 08:46 AM IST

Greek finance minister accuses creditors of 'terrorism'

Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis accused Athens' creditors of "terrorism" in an interview published on Saturday, a day before Greeks vote in a high- stakes referendum on their bailout.

Jul 04, 2015, 18:30 PM IST

'Yes' camp takes slim lead in Greek bailout referendum poll

Supporters of Greece`s bailout terms have taken a wafer-thin lead over the "No" vote backed by the leftist government, 48 hours before a referendum that may determine the country`s future in the euro zone, a poll showed.

Jul 03, 2015, 12:38 PM IST

IMF's Lagarde says Greece must reform before debt relief

The head of the international lender on Wednesday suggested Greece should move to reform its economy before its European creditors give it a break on its debt.

Jul 02, 2015, 10:32 AM IST

ECB will not increase liquidity lifeline to Greek banks: source

The European Central Bank`s governing council on Wednesday decided not to increase the liquidity lifeline to cash-strapped Greek banks, a Greek banking source said.

Jul 02, 2015, 03:45 AM IST

Greek PM says accepts creditor terms but with conditions: EU sources

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has written to creditors saying he is ready to accept bailout terms but has insisted on several further conditions, European sources said Wednesday.

Jul 01, 2015, 18:32 PM IST

Eurozone inflation slows to 0.2%, unemployment stable

Inflation in the eurozone slowed to 0.2 percent in June, official data showed on Tuesday, with consumer prices rising just slightly in Europe despite unprecedented stimulus measures by the European Central Bank.

Jun 30, 2015, 14:55 PM IST

EU's Juncker makes last-minute offer to Greece: Sources

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker made a last-minute offer to Athens in a bid to reach a bailout agreement before the deadline expires on Tuesday, European Union and Greek government sources said.

Jun 30, 2015, 09:08 AM IST

ECB faces tough choice on cash lifeline for Greece

In a bid to keep markets calm, the European Central Bank made a tough choice when it opted to keep open the financial lifeline to Greek banks at the weekend, analysts said on Monday.

Jun 29, 2015, 18:45 PM IST

Greece in shock as banks shut after creditor talks break down

Greece has less than 48 hours to pay back 1.6 billion euros (USD 1.77 billion) of International Monetary Fund loans.

Jun 29, 2015, 16:24 PM IST

Greek worries push oil below $62 to three-week low

Oil fell more than $1 to below $62 per barrel on Monday, its lowest in three weeks, as Greece shut its banks and imposed capital controls, causing investors to flee from riskier assets and darkening the demand outlook.

Jun 29, 2015, 15:37 PM IST

Greece crisis may trigger outflows from India: Finance Secretary

The economic crisis in Greece may trigger capital outflows from India and the government is consulting the RBI to deal with the situation, Finance Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi said on Monday.

Jun 29, 2015, 13:09 PM IST

EU to make latest proposals on Greek crisis on Monday: Moscovici

The president of the European Commission will make his latest proposals later on Monday to try to avoid a Greek default, the EU commissioner of economic affairs said, adding that there was still room to negotiate over the crisis.

Jun 29, 2015, 12:40 PM IST

Greece orders banks closed for a week after run on ATMs

Greece announced early Monday it will shut banks for a week and impose capital controls, pleading for calm after anxious citizens emptied cash machines in a dramatic escalation of the country`s debt crisis.

Jun 29, 2015, 11:42 AM IST