European Union

Members of European Parliament write to EU leaders, highlight growing 'repression' in Hong Kong

In a letter addressed to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and President of the European Council Charles Michel, the EU members said that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) broke the promises made to Hong Kong citizens made in the Sino-British Joint Declaration.

Jul 01, 2021, 10:11 AM IST

No ban on Covishield, digital COVID certificate meant to facilitate travel within European Union: EU Ambassador to India

"This certificate is proof that a person is vaccinated against COVID or received a negative test or recovered from COVID-19. So this is meant as a facilitator but it is not a precondition for travel," EU Ambassador Ugo Astuto said

Jun 29, 2021, 20:14 PM IST

Serum Institute CEO Adar Poonawalla assures help to Indians amid reports of Covishield not qualifying for EU ‘Green Pass’

"I realise that a lot of Indians who have taken COVISHIELD are facing issues with travel to the E.U., I assure everyone, I have taken this up at the highest levels and hope to resolve this matter soon, both with regulators and at a diplomatic level with countries," said Adar Poonawalla.

Jun 28, 2021, 12:03 PM IST

Travel to Europe still a worry as India-made Covishield yet to get European Union 'Green Pass'

Even though Covishield has the WHO’s approval, the ‘Green Pass’ program only accommodates EMA-approved vaccines. The four COVID-19 vaccines approved by EMA are Comirnaty (Pfizer/BioNTech), Moderna, Vaxzervria (AstraZeneca-Oxford), Janssen (Johnson & Johnson).

Jun 28, 2021, 10:04 AM IST

Google delays Chrome's blocking of tracking cookies to late 2023

Britain`s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) after an investigation agreed this month with Google to oversee the Chrome changes. Google said its new timeline was in line with the agreement.

Jun 24, 2021, 23:04 PM IST

Progress made in Vienna at Iran nuclear talks, says top diplomats

Donald Trump also restored and augmented sanctions to try to force Iran into renegotiating the pact with more concessions.

Jun 21, 2021, 00:13 AM IST

Now travel to these nations with digital COVID-19 certificate, all you need to know

The digital COVID-19 certificate records whether people have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus, recovered from the virus or tested negative within 72 hours.

Jun 05, 2021, 20:37 PM IST

European Union issues warning statement to Myanmar military against dissolution of Suu Kyi's party

The European Union has issued a statement warning the Myanmar military against the dissolution of Suu Kyi's  National League for Democracy party stating that the EU will continue to denounce all attempts to overturn the will of the Myanmar people and to alter the outcome of the last general elections.

May 24, 2021, 10:54 AM IST

EU parliament halts China investment ratification until Beijing lifts sanctions

"With its sanctions, China has miscalculated. They should learn from their mistakes and rethink. Because of China`s sanctions, the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment has been put into the freezer," said Reinhard Butikofer, a German EU lawmaker.

May 21, 2021, 16:18 PM IST

COVID-19: European Union to reopen borders for fully vaccinated travellers

The European Union is considering to reopen its borders for non-essential travels for the people who have completed their vaccination against COVID-19.

May 21, 2021, 10:58 AM IST

International Criminal Court, here's all you need to know

The International Criminal Court (ICC) was established in 2002 to prosecute war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and the crime of aggression when member states are unwilling or unable to do so themselves.

May 14, 2021, 16:59 PM IST

European Union countries urged to halt non-essential travel from India amid COVID-19 surge

The European Union's executive on Wednesday called on countries of the bloc to temporarily halt non-essential travel from India, to limit the spread of a COVID-19 variant.

May 13, 2021, 09:41 AM IST

European Union doesn't renew order for AstraZeneca vaccine

The EU Commission did not renew its order for AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine, the European Union's Internal Market Commissioner said Sunday.

May 09, 2021, 19:25 PM IST

India, European Union to re-launch trade talks at virtual summit today

Partly overshadowed by the COVID-19 crisis in India, the summit will gather Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and all of the bloc`s 27 leaders for the first time.

May 08, 2021, 08:14 AM IST

EU accuses Russia, China of spreading misinformation about Western vaccines

According to a European report, Russian and Chinese media are spreading misinformation to undermine Western COVID-19 vaccines.

Apr 29, 2021, 09:34 AM IST

Google battles landmark UK class action over alleged iPhone tracking

A proposed multi-billion pound British class action against Google, which alleges the Internet giant secretly tracked millions of iPhone users, is not viable and should not be allowed to proceed, the Supreme Court was told on Wednesday.

Apr 28, 2021, 20:33 PM IST

COVID-19 crisis: European Union member states team up to support India

Several EU member states have pledged their support to India on COVID-19 crisis with Ireland sending 700 oxygen concentrators, one oxygen generator and 365 ventilators; Belgium sending 9,000 doses of antiviral medicine Remdesivir and Romania sending 80 oxygen concentrators and 75 oxygen cylinders.

Apr 27, 2021, 23:17 PM IST

EU accuses China of endangering peace in South China Sea

European Union accused China of endangering the peace in the South China Sea. Philippines protested against China for not withdrawing 'threatening boats.'

Apr 26, 2021, 17:27 PM IST

France to provide medical oxygen assistance as India battles COVID-19 surge

France plans to help India with medical oxygen capacity in the coming days to help the country combat the record surge in COVID-19 cases.

Apr 25, 2021, 23:50 PM IST

EU releases Indo-Pacific strategy, aims for 'regional stability, security and sustainable development'

The European Council said that the EU intends to reinforce its role as a cooperative partner in the Indo-Pacific.

Apr 20, 2021, 06:37 AM IST