
EU tells Greeks "door still open" to deal, makes offer public

EU chief executive Jean-Claude Juncker launched a last-ditch drive on Sunday to persuade Greece to agree a funding deal to save it from bankruptcy this week as Brussels insisted the "door is still open" for negotiations.

Jun 29, 2015, 00:51 AM IST

Greece to shut banks, stock exchange on Monday as crisis deepens

Greek banks and the stock exchange will be shut on Monday after creditors refused to extend the country`s bailout and savers queued to withdraw cash, taking Athens` standoff with the European Union and the International Monetary Fund to a dangerous new level.

Jun 29, 2015, 00:35 AM IST

Anti-austerity protesters rally at Greek parliament

Several hundred anti-austerity protesters, chanting slogans against the European Union and IMF, rallied near parliament in Athens on Sunday as a deepening crisis forced Greece`s leftist government to announce capital controls on the banking system.

Jun 29, 2015, 00:19 AM IST

ECB puts no fresh cash into Greek banks

The ECB Governing Board board said it "decided to maintain the ceiling to the provision of emergency liquidity assistance (ELA) to Greek banks at the level decided on Friday".

Jun 28, 2015, 20:13 PM IST

`Grexit` to `Greferendum`: Athens on the brink of default

In Brussels, a sense of stupor prevails. The decision comes at the worst moment, in the final stage of negotiations when "98-99 percent" of the deal had already been agreed, according to a participant in the talks.

Jun 28, 2015, 15:46 PM IST

Euro zone readies for Greek default after Tsipras referendum call

Greece`s European partners shut the door on extending a credit lifeline to Athens, leaving the country facing a default that could push it out of the euro and cause ripple effects across the European economy and beyond.

Jun 28, 2015, 10:04 AM IST

Greece on the brink after Europe refuses bailout

Greece hurtled closer to the catastrophic possibility of a euro exit Saturday after Europe responded to the government`s call for a referendum by refusing to extend Athens`s desperately needed bailout.

Jun 28, 2015, 02:42 AM IST

Germany`s Schaeuble says eurozone will fight danger of contagion

The eurozone will do all it can to fight the risk of financial contagion from Greece after its creditors refused to extend its bailout, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said Saturday.

Jun 28, 2015, 01:53 AM IST

Eurozone ministers reject Greek bailout extension: Sources

Eurozone finance ministers refused on Saturday to extend Greece`s bailout programme past June 30 after Athens called a referendum on reform proposals by creditors, sources told AFP.

Jun 27, 2015, 20:35 PM IST

IMF `will continue to work` on stability for Greece: Lagarde

"The purpose of what we`re doing is to actually restore stability of the economy in Greece, this is what we`ll continue to do. We`ll continue to work," Lagarde told reporters before joining a meeting of eurozone finance ministers.

Jun 27, 2015, 17:55 PM IST

Eurogroup head says `sad` Greece referendum move `closes door` to further talks

"The Greek government has apparently rejected our last proposals... that is a sad decision for Greece because it has closed the door for further talks where the door was still open in my mind," the Dutch finance minister said as he arrived for talks with his eurozone counterparts.

Jun 27, 2015, 17:47 PM IST

Eurozone ministers face shock Greece referendum call

The gambit by Tsipras heightened anxiety over a possible Greek default next Tuesday that could potentially push Greece towards an exit of the eurozone and risk throwing the European Union project as a whole into crisis.

Jun 27, 2015, 16:13 PM IST

Greek PM Alexis Tsipras calls referendum on bailout for July 5

Greece will hold a referendum on July 5 on the outcome of negotiations with its international creditors taking place in Brussels on Saturday, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced.

Jun 27, 2015, 07:22 AM IST

Eurozone loans to private sector growing again: ECB

After long months of contraction, the volume of loans to private businesses and households increased by 0.5 percent May compared with the same month in 2014, the ECB said in a statement. 

Jun 26, 2015, 14:02 PM IST

No deal for Greece, creditors; top-level talks resume Saturday

Greece failed again to clinch a deal with its international creditors on Thursday, setting up a last-ditch effort on Saturday to avert a default next week amid fears of financial market turmoil.

Jun 25, 2015, 23:01 PM IST

In Greece, talk of dark agenda behind debt deadlock

Warnings of dark forces bent on pushing Greece out of the euro and its leftist government out of power have increasingly moved from the fringes towards the mainstream, as talks in Brussels to secure vital bailout funds enter their final phase.

Jun 25, 2015, 22:23 PM IST

Eurogroup talks end with no deal, likely to meet again Saturday

Eurozone finance ministers` talks broke up without an agreement on a Greek debt deal on Thursday, Finland`s Alexander Stubb said, with sources saying they were likely to meet again on Saturday.

Jun 25, 2015, 22:22 PM IST

EU leaders warn David Cameron on reform drive

British Prime Minister David Cameron found his reform agenda sidelined at a tense EU summit Thursday as leaders warned he faces a tough negotiation ahead of a referendum on whether to leave the bloc.

Jun 25, 2015, 21:56 PM IST

Europe's bankers fear Brexit more than Grexit

The possibility of Britain leaving the European Union sometime in the future worries European bankers a great deal more than the prospect that Greece might be on its way out soon.

Jun 25, 2015, 19:44 PM IST

David Cameron's EU reform drive sidelined at tense summit

British Prime Minister David Cameron arrived at an EU summit in Brussels Thursday to find his referendum reform push sidelined by twin crises over Greece and migration.

Jun 25, 2015, 18:36 PM IST