
A fatty liver can be dangerous to your heart

Lack of adequate exercise and consumption of excess calories have been shown to lead to obesity and excess fat deposits in the liver.

Apr 26, 2021, 15:54 PM IST

Brew a cup of coffee before exercise to increase fat burning!

Drinking a strong coffee half an hour before exercising can accelerate fat-burning, says a study.

Apr 08, 2021, 15:23 PM IST

Want to accelerate fat-burning before exercise? Drink strong coffee, suggests study

Caffeine -- about 3 milligram per kilogram (mg/kg), the equivalent of a strong coffee -- ingested half an hour before aerobic exercise significantly increases the rate of fat-burning, suggests a new study.

Mar 24, 2021, 15:03 PM IST

One-hour exercise with proper hydration may tackle low BP

The study is the first to examine the condition called "orthostatic intolerance" during daily activities when the astronauts returned home.

Jul 22, 2019, 15:37 PM IST

DNA: Non Stop News, 31st January, 2019

This segment of DNA brings to you important stories of the day. Watch this video for more info.

Jan 31, 2019, 22:16 PM IST

Daily exercise may cut heart attack risk even in polluted areas: Study

Moderate cycling for four or more hours per week cut risk for recurrent heart attack by 31 per cent.

Jul 21, 2018, 17:47 PM IST

Daily exercise may help people with heart disease in family

When heart disease runs in the family, more physical activity may be the best defence, say researchers. According to the findings reported in the American Heart Association's journal Circulation, greater grip strength, more physical activity and better cardiorespiratory fitness are associated with reduced risk for heart attacks and stroke -- even among people with a genetic pre-disposition for heart disease.

Apr 10, 2018, 10:08 AM IST

High BP patients are more likely to choose tea, pill over exercise

People are more likely to choose a daily cup of tea or a pill over exercise as the preferred treatment to control their high blood pressure, finds a survey.

Apr 09, 2018, 11:37 AM IST

Planning to stop your exercise? It could elevate depressive symptoms

There is limited research into what happens with depressive symptoms when exercise is stopped.

Mar 23, 2018, 14:08 PM IST

Pregnant? Start exercising to reduce time spent in labour, suggests study

The women in the exercise group were also less likely to use an epidural during childbirth.

Mar 19, 2018, 16:22 PM IST

Using pedometers while walking may be beneficial to your health: Study

Brisk walking for 30 minutes or more daily on most days of the week can help adults and older adults achieve important health benefits, researchers said.

Mar 13, 2018, 11:20 AM IST

The fountain of youth? Regular exercise for life can slow down ageing, claims study

The study showed that loss of muscle mass and strength did not occur in those who exercise regularly.

Mar 09, 2018, 15:57 PM IST

Brisk walking may help older women curb heart failure risk: Study

The study found that women above 60 years of age were three times more prone to heart failure risk.

Mar 05, 2018, 14:05 PM IST

Listening to music while working out may help you exercise longer

As per the study, music can have a powerful impact on our mood, signaling the brain to release feel-good and energy-boosting chemicals.

Mar 05, 2018, 11:30 AM IST

Fitness post on social media may impact others too

When people post photos of their fitness pursuits on social media they may be influencing, for better or worse, the health of their pals too, a new study suggests.

Feb 26, 2018, 00:07 AM IST

Walking the dog may help older adults live longer, suggests study

Clocking 150 minutes of weekly physical activity of any level, even if accumulated in short bouts, might be critical.

Feb 21, 2018, 11:26 AM IST

Music may help you enjoy your workout, but it can alter brainwaves: Study

In 2012, a study likened music to a legal, performance-enhancing drug, cheating tiredness and sparking feel-good vibes.  

Feb 19, 2018, 15:02 PM IST

Exercise may lower Alzheimer's risk

The study suggests that the lower the fitness level, the faster the deterioration of vital nerve fibres in the brain.

Feb 15, 2018, 18:34 PM IST

Feeling stressed? Running for five kilometers daily will help

The study found that running mitigates the negative impacts chronic stress has on the hippocampus – a brain region responsible for learning and memory.

Feb 15, 2018, 18:13 PM IST

Suffering from high BP, sugar? One year of yoga training may help: Study

The findings support the beneficial role of yoga in managing metabolic syndrome by favourably modulating adipokines, the researchers mentioned.

Feb 07, 2018, 16:41 PM IST