Folk Singer Neha Singh Rathore

DNA: UP police got stung by 'Ka Ba' song on Kanpur incident, Issued Notice to Singer

Recently, Bihar's folk singer Neha Singh Rathore sang the song Ka Ba in UP. The UP police got angry about this video and the police issued a notice to the singer. Know in detail in this report why the UP police got scared of the song.

Feb 23, 2023, 07:20 AM IST

Why is Neha Singh Rathore Trending High on Twitter? Why are UP Cops Upset With 'UP Mein Ka Ba' Fame Singer?

Who Is Neha Singh Rathore? Neha Singh Rathore is a singer who shot to fame for her “UP Mein Ka Ba” song that was released in 2022 ahead of the Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections. She had earlier received a lot of praise for her song “Bihar Mein Ka Ba” released in 2020. 

Feb 22, 2023, 17:37 PM IST