
Chef Rupal Parab's Dishes are a Piquant Affair of Amazing Flavours

If you have already tasted a few of the delectable dishes cooked by this ace chef, you are surely curious about his recipe. He is meticulous with his recipes and also a little bit secretive.

Feb 18, 2023, 22:04 PM IST

Eat THIS 10-feet-long dosa in 40 minutes and win Rs 71,000: Delhi eatery's unique challenge

Swami Shakti Sagar restaurant in Delhi's Uttam Nagar has thrown this innovative challenge to foodies. Do you want to try out?

Feb 02, 2022, 20:33 PM IST

5 late night food places to hangout in Delhi

Delhi's late night food doesn't belong to some fancy hotels or restaurants instead it is from roadside stalls, dhabas, small tea huts. 

Dec 11, 2017, 13:35 PM IST

Christmas 2017: Toothsome dishes to eat

Christmas is not complete without a cake, we cannot ditch it. Mostly it is a light chocolate mellifluous cake enriched with fruit and candied peel like raisins, cherries and currants. Candy and chocolate cakes are preferred the most.

Dec 11, 2017, 13:19 PM IST

Here’s how you can relish fries in different ways

Chef Tushar from McCain Foods India has listed different ways to make a quick snack in minutes.

Dec 24, 2016, 10:24 AM IST

Delicious food may not lead to weight gain

As per a new study, scientists claim that tasty food may not lead to weight gain. This study contradicts the perception that tasty foods such as potato chips, chocolate chip cookies is unhealthy and can lead to obesity.

Dec 16, 2016, 21:58 PM IST

Delhi's 5 online food delivery services

Checkout Delhi's 5 online food delivery services

Jun 09, 2016, 17:04 PM IST

What makes foodies happy and dieters sad

Contrary to popular perceptions, foodies - those who take time to appreciate the texture, flavour and beauty of food - do not eat larger portions than what the dieters generally eat, says new research.

Dec 28, 2015, 20:15 PM IST

Eating at a buffet? Be smart about it!

Be it wedding season, birthdays, kitty parties, or just a casual lunch at a cozy restaurant, buffet's today are the “in” thing.

Sep 13, 2015, 14:05 PM IST