Francois Hollande

France fears damage to ties with India after Hollande's claims on Rafale jet deal

Hollande's recent remarks had triggered a political storm in the country over Rafale deal.

Sep 23, 2018, 22:18 PM IST

Accusations baseless, says Rajnath Singh after Hollande's remark on Rafale deal

Making his first comment on the issue since Hollande's claims, Home Minister Singh told ANI, "It makes no sense to create a controversy over the Rafale issue."

Sep 22, 2018, 16:31 PM IST

Corruption in Rafale deal, PM Narendra Modi must clarify his stand: Rahul Gandhi

He further added that PM Modi must clear his stand on the Rafale deal as the matter pertains to corruption and is related to the defence forces of the country.

Sep 22, 2018, 16:06 PM IST

Amid claims and counter claims over Rafale, Swamy's caution for government with a rider

BJP leader Subramanian Swamy has said that the claims made by former French president Francois Hollande are “serious”.

Sep 22, 2018, 10:57 AM IST

Centre red-faced after former French president Francois Hollande's remark on Rafale deal; Opposition seizes opportunity to slam government

In an interview to a French media house, Hollande on a question about who selected Reliance as a partner and why, said it was the Indian government that proposed Reliance's name and Dassault had no choice but to take the company given to it.

Sep 22, 2018, 00:19 AM IST

Who said what after former French president Francois Hollande's remarks on Rafale deal

The Opposition launched a scathing attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi saying he has "betrayed" the country and endangered national security by hiding crucial facts.

Sep 21, 2018, 21:33 PM IST

Governments had no say in Rafale offset decision: Defence Ministry

The Ministry of Defence spokesperson, however, reiterated that neither India nor the French government had any say in the commercial decision.

Sep 21, 2018, 19:47 PM IST

India gave name of Reliance Defence for Rafale offsets, says former French president Francois Hollande

Hollande on a question about who selected Reliance as a partner and why, said it was the Indian government that proposed Reliance's name and Dassault had no choice but to take the company given to it.

Sep 21, 2018, 19:07 PM IST

PM Narendra Modi calls up French President-elect to congratulate him

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday called up French President-elect Emmanuel Macron to congratulate him on his poll victory and said he looked forward to work with him to further deepen the bilateral cooperation.

May 09, 2017, 18:59 PM IST

French hostage freed in Sudan: Paris

A French mineworker who was kidnapped in Chad and taken to neighbouring Sudan has been freed after more than six weeks in captivity.

May 07, 2017, 17:49 PM IST

France's Hollande promises 'response' to Macron election hack

"We knew that there were these risks during the presidential campaign because it happened elsewhere. Nothing will go without a response," he told AFP.

May 07, 2017, 00:32 AM IST

Marine Le Pen heckled as brutal French campaign enters final hours

Emmanuel Macron sought to cement his status as favourite for the French presidency Friday on the last day of campaigning before this weekend`s run-off election while his far-right rival Marine Le Pen was targeted by protesters on a visit to a cathedral city.

May 05, 2017, 21:42 PM IST

Marine le Pen always wanted France to abandon EU: François Hollande

Marine Le Pen announced on Saturday that she would appoint defeated first-round candidate Nicolas Dupont-Aignan as her Prime Minister if she is elected President.

Apr 30, 2017, 09:23 AM IST

France`s Francois Hollande says Britain must pay price for Brexit

French President Francois Hollande warned Saturday that Britain must pay the price for Brexit as EU leaders met to adopt guidelines for negotiations.

Apr 29, 2017, 15:53 PM IST

Paris attack: Gunman was known for radical Islamist activities

The attacker, who killed a police officer in Paris`s Champs-Elysees area, was known for radical Islamist activities by the French security services.

Apr 21, 2017, 13:29 PM IST

After attack, France looks toward weekend presidential vote

France began picking itself up on Friday from another shooting claimed by the Islamic State group, with President Francois Hollande calling together the government's security council and his would-be successors in the presidential election campaign treading carefully before voting this weekend.

Apr 21, 2017, 12:14 PM IST

French president to support Egypt's fight against terrorism

French President Francois Hollande on Sunday vowed to mobilise his country`s forces to support Egypt`s combat against terrorism following bombings of Coptic churches that killed 43 and injured 100 people.

Apr 10, 2017, 09:04 AM IST

Ashar al-Assad bears 'sole responsibility' for US strike: Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad bears "sole responsibility" for the US strike on a regime airbase.

Apr 07, 2017, 13:58 PM IST

No trade deal with UK before Brexit: French President Francois Hollande

French President Francois Hollande said today that Britain must agree on the conditions of its exit from the EU before the bloc's members discuss other issues such as a trade deal.

Mar 30, 2017, 17:26 PM IST

French ex-PM Manuel Valls says will vote for Macron in election

French former Prime Minister Manuel Valls said on Wednesday he would vote for Emmanuel Macron in the coming presidential election.

Mar 29, 2017, 13:30 PM IST