Gaza Hospital Attack

38 days of Gaza war completed, what has happened so far?

38 days of Gaza war are about to complete. About 1107 people have been killed there and the Israeli army has surrounded Al Shifa Hospital. The biggest news starts from here because this incident can prove to be decisive for the war. It is being claimed that the command center of Hamas is running from inside Al-Shifa Hospital.

Nov 13, 2023, 21:04 PM IST

Hamas terrorist's son makes huge revealation

Hamas Israel War: The war between Hamas and Israel is not stopping. Meanwhile, the son of a Hamas terrorist made a big revelation and said that Hamas is misbehaving with its own people. Know in this report how Hamas is attacking the people of Gaza.

Nov 02, 2023, 20:38 PM IST

2 American women freed from Hamas captivity, Biden's warning to terrorists!

Israel-Hamas War News: Today is the 15th day of the Israel-Hamas war. Two American citizens from Gaza Strip were held hostage by Hamas terrorists. After which two American women were rescued from Hamas by the Israeli Army. Joe Biden has spoken to both American women on the phone.

Oct 21, 2023, 07:22 AM IST

Israel-Hamas War Updates: India will not stop sending aid to Palestine

PM Modi on Israel Hamas War: The Israeli Army also killed a commander of Hamas terrorists who took part in the October 7 massacre. According to reports, US President Biden has convinced Israeli PM Netanyahu to open the Rafah border for people stranded in Gaza. After the horrific attack in Gaza hospital, PM Modi has also told the Palestinian President that India will continue to send help to Palestine.

Oct 21, 2023, 03:58 AM IST

Israel released 'hitlist' of Hamas terrorists

Israel Hamas War Updates: Israel Hamas war started on 7 October. Today is the 14th day of the war. Netanyahu has become angry and is ready to eliminate Hamas. Israel has also released the hitlist of Hamas terrorists. The Israeli army continues to bomb Hamas positions. Expressing grief over the Al Ahli Hospital attack in Gaza, PM Modi has spoken to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on phone.

Oct 21, 2023, 03:54 AM IST

'PM Modi stands with Palestine', says Mohammad Atiq

Israel-Hamas War News: Today is the 14th day of Israel-Hamas war, Israel has attacked in Gaza, church premises, mosque, many have died. Israel prepares for ground attack on Gaza, asks troops to be ready. Hamas has again launched a rocket attack on Israel. Israel has been attacked in Ashdod and Ashkelon and these rockets have been fired from Gaza. Hamas terrorists are not desisting from their activities and are firing rockets.

Oct 21, 2023, 01:22 AM IST

Israel Palestine Conflict Update: Mohammad Atiq's shocking statement on Palestine!

Israel-Hamas War News: Today is the 14th day of Israel-Hamas war, Israel has attacked in Gaza, church premises, mosque, many have died. Israel prepares for ground attack on Gaza, asks troops to be ready. Hamas has again launched a rocket attack on Israel. Israel has been attacked in Ashdod and Ashkelon and these rockets have been fired from Gaza. Hamas terrorists are not desisting from their activities and are firing rockets.

Oct 21, 2023, 01:22 AM IST

Britain's PM Rishi Sunak reaches Saudi Arabia

Rishi Sunak Reaches Saudi Arabia: British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has reached Saudi Arabia on the 14th day after Israel and Hamas. After reaching Saudi Arabia, Sunak spoke to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud. During this meeting the war between Israel and Hamas was discussed.

Oct 20, 2023, 07:58 AM IST

Rishi Sunak In Israel: Israel's 'weapon' ready against Hamas?

Rishi Sunak Reaches Israel: Russian President Vladimir Putin has made a big statement on Israel-Hamas war...Putin has asked hypersonic equipped fighter planes to patrol the Black Sea 24 hours. Earlier, China's statement on Israeli Hamam war had come... China has condemned the attack on the hospital.. China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that there should be an immediate ceasefire.

Oct 20, 2023, 02:34 AM IST

Putin deployed hypersonic missile in Israeli war

Rishi Sunak Reaches Israel: Russian President Vladimir Putin has made a big statement on Israel-Hamas war...Putin has asked hypersonic equipped fighter planes to patrol the Black Sea 24 hours. Earlier, China's statement on Israeli Hamam war had come... China has condemned the attack on the hospital.. China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that there should be an immediate ceasefire.

Oct 19, 2023, 17:56 PM IST

Vladimir Putin's statement on Israeli war

Rishi Sunak Reaches Israel: Russian President Vladimir Putin has made a big statement on Israel-Hamas war...Putin has asked hypersonic equipped fighter planes to patrol the Black Sea 24 hours. Earlier, China's statement on Israeli Hamam war had come... China has condemned the attack on the hospital.. China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that there should be an immediate ceasefire.

Oct 19, 2023, 17:32 PM IST

Israel-Hamas conflict: 'Stop the war..' says China as Rishi Sunak reaches Israel

Rishi Sunak Reaches Israel: British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has reached Israel. Meanwhile, China's statement on Israel Hamam war has come... China has condemned the attack on the hospital.. China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that there should be an immediate ceasefire.

Oct 19, 2023, 16:52 PM IST

Rishi Sunak makes big statement as he reaches Israel

Rishi Sunak Reaches Israel: British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has reached Israel. Sunak has reached Tel Aviv airport with his wife. Rishi Sunak has given a big statement as soon as he reached Israel.

Oct 19, 2023, 12:54 PM IST

British PM Rishi Sunak reaches Israel with his wife

British PM Rishi Sunak reaches Israel with his wife

Oct 19, 2023, 12:30 PM IST

Sirens started ringing as US President reach Tel Aviv

Israel-Hamas War: Today has been the 13th day of war between Israel and Hamas but even now Israel's rocket attacks are not stopping. Meanwhile, yesterday US President Joe Biden reached Israel and met Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. As soon as they reached Tel Aviv, the sirens of rocket attacks suddenly started ringing.

Oct 19, 2023, 11:52 AM IST

Joe Biden speaks to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi amid Israel-Palestine Conflict

Hamas Israel War Updates: Big news is coming out on the 13th day of the Hamas-Israel war. US President Joe Biden has spoken to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. He has shared this information through social media.

Oct 19, 2023, 10:28 AM IST

Many Countries come over streets to protest against Israel-Hamas Conflict

Hamas Israel War Updates: It has been 13 days since the Israel-Hamas war but the attacks from both the countries are not stopping. Meanwhile, demonstrations are going on in many countries against the Hamas-Israel war.

Oct 19, 2023, 09:12 AM IST

DNA: What happened in Gaza Hospital during the attack?

Gaza Hospital Attack: A rocket fell on a hospital in the Gaza Strip and five hundred people died. Israel is claiming that it did not fire rockets at Gaza's hospital. Then who fired it? To prove the truth of its claim, Israel has released many video evidences. By supporting Israel in this war, America has shown its side to the countries of the Middle East. These countries, which remained silent on Hamas' attack, now fear that Israel can launch ground attacks on Gaza Strip at any time.

Oct 19, 2023, 00:12 AM IST

Gaza Hospital Attack: Be it Hamas or Hezbollah... Israel will not stop now!

Biden arrives in Tel Aviv to support Israel. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu himself came to the airport to welcome Biden. Regarding the attack on the hospital in Gaza, Biden said that it was not Israel but someone else who was responsible for this attack. Meaning, America gave a clean chit to Israel regarding the attack on the hospital in Gaza.

Oct 19, 2023, 00:12 AM IST

Exclusive ground report from Israel

On October 7, Hamas terrorists carried out a massacre and Israel's biggest attack so far. Know how the situation is now at Ground Zero

Oct 18, 2023, 23:36 PM IST