Gerry Adams

Gerry Adams to step down in end of an era for Irish nationalism

Sinn Fein`s Gerry Adams, a pivotal figure in the political life of Ireland for almost 50 years, said on Saturday he will step down as party leader and complete a generational shift in the former political wing of the Irish Republican Army (IRA).

Nov 19, 2017, 08:43 AM IST

Northern Ireland braces for uncertain new era after Martin McGuinness

As the tricolour-draped coffin of former IRA commander turned peacemaker Martin McGuinness was carried to his Londonderry home this week, people across Northern Ireland`s sectarian divide were nervously eyeing a new era of uncertainty.

Mar 23, 2017, 09:25 AM IST

Northern Ireland's Martin McGuinness dies at 66

Martin McGuinness had announced on January 19 that he was bowing out of politics and would not lead his nationalist party into elections in March.

Mar 21, 2017, 13:04 PM IST

Thousands protest against austerity ahead of Irish vote

Thousands of protesters marched through Dublin on Saturday to call for an end to austerity, as Ireland prepares to vote in parliamentary elections.

Feb 20, 2016, 23:59 PM IST