Greek Bailout Negotiations

ECB puts no fresh cash into Greek banks

The ECB Governing Board board said it "decided to maintain the ceiling to the provision of emergency liquidity assistance (ELA) to Greek banks at the level decided on Friday".

Jun 28, 2015, 20:13 PM IST

Germany says surprise Greek referendum plan shuts door on negotiations

But after they were blindsided by Tsipras`s surprise middle-of-the-night announcement that he rejected their offer and would put it to voters only after Tuesday`s deadline, several said all that remained to discuss was "Plan B" - how to limit the damage.

Jun 27, 2015, 19:29 PM IST

Europe, IMF await new Greek concessions

European Union heads have called on Greece`s leftist government to present new reform and budget proposals, with Greek minister of state Alekos Flambouraris saying Saturday Athens could propose re-worked measures.

Jun 20, 2015, 19:10 PM IST

Greece hopeful of last-ditch deal despite default warnings

Greece has until June 30 to agree a reform deal in order to secure the remaining portion of its multi-billion-euro bailout, which it needs to avoid defaulting on a debt payment of around 1.5 billion euros to the International Monetary Fund.

Jun 19, 2015, 17:57 PM IST