Greek PM

Major decision on Greece on Saturday: Dijsselbloem

"We have to make a major decision. Whichever way," Dijsselbloem, who is also the Dutch finance minister, told reporters ahead of a cabinet meeting in The Hague.

Jul 10, 2015, 23:08 PM IST

Overwhelming majority of Greeks want to keep euro, poll shows

A total of 84 percent of Greeks want to keep the euro, an opinion poll released on Friday showed, with just 12 percent favouring a return to the drachma, as the country races to clinch a cash-for-reforms deal with its creditors.

Jul 10, 2015, 22:56 PM IST

EU, IMF, ECB, eurozone chiefs to speak today on Greece

Commission spokesman Margaritis Schinas told a press conference that Jean-Claude Juncker, Christine Lagarde, Mario Draghi and Jeroen Dijsselbloem would discuss the plan in a conference call at 1100 GMT.

Jul 10, 2015, 16:49 PM IST

Draghi said to doubt Greek solution as Tsipras reforms awaited

The ECB is keeping shuttered Greek banks afloat with emergency liquidity capped until the weekend as leaders of the 19-nation euro zone race to find a last-minute third bailout for Athens. 

Jul 09, 2015, 15:02 PM IST

Greece eyes midnight deadline for badly needed new bailout plan

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras vowed on Wednesday to present "credible" plans to seal more emergency loans from his exasperated European creditors ahead of a summit of all 28 EU leaders on the debt crisis on Sunday.

Jul 09, 2015, 09:45 AM IST

Greek PM calls Obama to discuss debt crisis

Obama reiterated that it is in everyone's interest that Greece and its creditors reach a mutually-acceptable agreement, the statement said.

Jul 08, 2015, 11:19 AM IST

Eurozone leaders to hold emergency summit on Greece

"It is now up to the government of Alexis Tsipras to make serious, credible proposals so that this willingness to stay in the eurozone can translate into a lasting programme," Hollande said.

Jul 07, 2015, 08:56 AM IST

Greece says 'no' to bailout offer

Results showed about 61 per cent voted "no," compared with 39 per cent for "yes," with 100 per cent of the vote counted.

Jul 06, 2015, 08:27 AM IST

Greeks evenly split heading into crucial referendum

At least 20,000 people turned out at each rally, at the end of a week of high drama following the government`s rejection of an aid deal with international creditors and the closure of banks.

Jul 03, 2015, 23:58 PM IST

Greek crisis will impact global economy: Doha bank CEO

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on July 1 decided to press ahead with a bailout referendum on accepting creditors' stringent demands.

Jul 03, 2015, 17:00 PM IST

IMF warns of huge financial hole as Greek vote looms

The International Monetary Fund delivered a stark warning on Thursday of the huge financial hole facing Greece as angry and uncertain voters prepare for a referendum that could decide their country`s future in Europe.

Jul 02, 2015, 23:41 PM IST

IMF: Greece needs 36 bn euros more from EU

That growth estimate was made before Greece broke off talks with official creditors last weekend and ordered capital controls and its banks shut for a week.

Jul 02, 2015, 21:45 PM IST

Greek PM Tsipras offers conditional okay to bailout, creditors sceptical

In exchange, Athens wants a 29 billion euro loan to cover all its debt service payments due in the next two years.

Jul 01, 2015, 16:42 PM IST

Greek crisis threatens European dream: Analysts

Europe`s failure to solve the Greek debt crisis risks lasting damage to the post-war dream of "ever closer union" at a time when it faces new threats on its borders, analysts said.

Jun 29, 2015, 21:02 PM IST

`Grexit` to `Greferendum`: Athens on the brink of default

In Brussels, a sense of stupor prevails. The decision comes at the worst moment, in the final stage of negotiations when "98-99 percent" of the deal had already been agreed, according to a participant in the talks.

Jun 28, 2015, 15:46 PM IST

Greece says wants to continue debt talks based on its proposals

Greece wants to continue negotiations for a cash-for-reforms deal with its creditors based on the proposals it has submitted, which the government believes are the best basis for talks, a Greek government official said on Saturday.

Jun 27, 2015, 19:05 PM IST

Eurozone ministers face shock Greece referendum call

The gambit by Tsipras heightened anxiety over a possible Greek default next Tuesday that could potentially push Greece towards an exit of the eurozone and risk throwing the European Union project as a whole into crisis.

Jun 27, 2015, 16:13 PM IST

Eurozone loans to private sector growing again: ECB

After long months of contraction, the volume of loans to private businesses and households increased by 0.5 percent May compared with the same month in 2014, the ECB said in a statement. 

Jun 26, 2015, 14:02 PM IST

Greek debt talks stumble before EU leaders gather

Eurogroup ministers cut short an emergency meeting summoned to approve an agreement after little more than an hour because there was no deal ready for them to discuss.

Jun 25, 2015, 09:03 AM IST

Key meetings ahead over Greece crisis

The goal is to bridge the gap between the leftist Greek government and its EU-IMF creditors over the economic and budgetary reforms Athens needs to commit to in order to unblock the last tranche of 7.2 billion euros in the country`s second international bailout since 2010.

Jun 20, 2015, 23:38 PM IST