Greek Proposals

Greeks deciding 'destiny' in referendum: PM Alexis Tsipras

"No one can ignore the will of the people to live, to live with determination, to take its destiny into its own hands," Tsipras, appearing relaxed and wearing an open-necked white shirt, said after casting his ballot in Athens.

Jul 05, 2015, 15:32 PM IST

Polling opens in crucial Greece bailout referendum

The rest of Europe, and international investors, will be watching intently, unsure of the outcome that could greet them on Monday. Polls suggest both the `Yes` and `No` camps are neck-and-neck.

Jul 05, 2015, 10:12 AM IST

Eurogroup head says `sad` Greece referendum move `closes door` to further talks

"The Greek government has apparently rejected our last proposals... that is a sad decision for Greece because it has closed the door for further talks where the door was still open in my mind," the Dutch finance minister said as he arrived for talks with his eurozone counterparts.

Jun 27, 2015, 17:47 PM IST