Gulf Arab

Qatar ready to talk to end Gulf crisis: Sheikh Tamim

Qatar is ready to sit at the negotiating table to try to end a dispute with its Gulf Arab neighbours, Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani said on Friday in Berlin.

Sep 15, 2017, 16:19 PM IST

UAE's Anwar Gargash says alternative to Qatar demands is "not escalation but parting ways"

UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash told reporters that diplomacy, however, was still a priority.


Jun 24, 2017, 16:04 PM IST

Syrian rebels begin to leave last opposition-held Homs district

Syrian rebels started leaving the last opposition-held district of Homs city on Saturday in the final phase of an evacuation deal that will bring an early centre of the uprising back under government control in the conflict`s seventh year.

May 20, 2017, 22:38 PM IST

Kuwait to deport 60 Lebanese for alleged Hezbollah links: Report

Kuwait is to deport 60 Lebanese for alleged links to Hezbollah in the latest Gulf Arab move against the Shiite militant group, a newspaper reported on Monday.

Mar 28, 2016, 13:14 PM IST

John Kerry tries to ease concerns about warning US-Iran relations

US Secretary of State John Kerry met with Gulf Arab officials today to ease their concerns about warming US-Iranian ties and seek consensus on which Syrian opposition groups should be represented at upcoming peace talks.

Jan 24, 2016, 00:33 AM IST

Saudi-led warplanes pound Yemen''s interior ministry in Sanaa

Aircraft from a Saudi-led coalition attacked Yemen`s interior ministry in the capital, Sanaa, late on Friday and launched several other raids on sites in the heart of the city, residents and other sources there said. 

Sep 19, 2015, 09:54 AM IST

France, Qatar seal 6.3 bn euro Rafale fighter jet deal

Tensions in the Middle East with conflicts in Yemen, Syria and Libya, as well as fears of Iran`s growing influence in the area, have fuelled a desire across Sunni Gulf Arab states to modernise their military hardware.

Apr 30, 2015, 15:31 PM IST