Hardik Pandya photos

Cricketer Hardik Pandya shakes a leg with ladylove Natasa Stankovic, son Agastya in adorable dance video

In an adorable dance video shared on Instagram, cricketer Hardik Pandya is seen participating in the 'Don't Rush' challenge along with his ladylove Natasa stankovic and son Agastya. Watch the video here.

Mar 28, 2021, 11:31 AM IST

Natasa Stankovic shares photo with her little munchkin Agastya in swimming pool, cricketer Hardik Pandya says this

The happy couple got engaged on January 1, 2020, and tied the knot during the coronavirus lockdown. In July 2020, they welcomed the baby boy into their family. As their son Agastya turned 7 months old, mom Natasha took to social media and shared a series of pictures to celebrate the occasion. Take a look at her post inside. 

Mar 02, 2021, 09:44 AM IST