Haryana cheating video

Strict Action Against Haryana Exam Cheating Video

Action on Haryana Exam Cheating Video: Big news is coming related to Nuh Nakal case. Action has been taken on the viral video of copying. Forms for two examination centers were cancelled.

Mar 08, 2024, 06:50 AM IST

Haryana Exam Cheating Video: Video of cheating in physical education paper surfaced in Haryana

Haryana Exam Cheating Video: After the video of cheating in Physical Education paper went viral in Haryana, cheating is being done openly in English paper also. These pictures are also of Nuhan.

Mar 07, 2024, 16:28 PM IST

Haryana teacher helps students cheat in class X board exam in Jhajjar, sacked

A shocking video has now emerged which shows a senior teacher helping students cheat in the ongoing Class 10 board examination in Haryana's Jhajjar district.

Mar 24, 2017, 16:53 PM IST