Health benefits of apples

7 Interesting Facts About Apples

Apr 19, 2024, 12:26 PM IST

Apple Health Benefits: This Red fruit reduces Cholesterol levels- Know why you should eat it everyday

Apples are a great source of flavonoids and other dietary phytochemicals. Additionally, they have high quantities of phytochemicals and polyphenols. Scroll down to know why you should eat apples everyday.

Jan 18, 2023, 22:34 PM IST

7 Benefits of having an apple empty stomach every morning

There is some truth in the phrase, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". All apples offer benefits whether nutritional or taste. Let's find out the health benefits of eating apples empty stomach in the morning.

Nov 26, 2022, 17:17 PM IST

Eating tomatoes, apples may restore lung damage in smokers

This study shows that diet might help repair lung damage in people who have stopped smoking.

Dec 21, 2017, 19:35 PM IST