Healthy weight

10 Basic Habits To Stay Lean And Fit

Mar 03, 2024, 15:46 PM IST

EXCLUSIVE: Why Losing Weight Good For Your Heart Health? 5 Benefits Of Weight Loss For Stronger Cardiovascular System

Here's how shedding excess weight can positively impact your heart health. Expert shares all about reducing risks and improving cardiovascular wellness through effective weight loss strategies.

Oct 03, 2023, 12:38 PM IST

Want To Lose Weight? 7 Smart Grocery Shopping Tips For Effective Weight Management

Learn how to make informed choices, prioritize nutritious foods, and avoid weight gain with strategic shopping. Here are some effective weight management to avoid weight gain.

Oct 01, 2023, 12:15 PM IST

Does Eating Potatoes Cause Weight Gain? Debunking Myths And Understanding Facts About Spuds

Potatoes, nutrient-rich but misconceived as fattening, require portion control and healthy preparation for weight-conscious, balanced diets. Here are myths and facts about eating potatoes and weight management.

Sep 19, 2023, 16:33 PM IST

Women's Health: Maintain Stable Weight For Longer Life, Says Study

A recent study revealed that reaching the age of 90, 95 or 100, known as exceptional longevity, is more likely for women who maintain their body weight after age 60. Read more about the study here.

Aug 30, 2023, 20:03 PM IST

Pecans To Help Curb Obesity, Reduce Inflammation- Study Finds How

Researchers discovered that pecans provide health benefits that may reduce inflammation and prevent obesity.

Aug 07, 2023, 16:48 PM IST

Exercise Vs Nutrition: The Key To A Successful Weight Loss Journey

Exercise is essential for achieving weight loss success, as it helps to build muscle, increase metabolism, and improve overall health. A recent study reveals hwo exercising can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease. Read here.

May 07, 2023, 17:57 PM IST

Have mushroom-rich breakfast to maintain healthy weight

Meat can be replaced by mushroom in some meals, suggests a study. 

Oct 20, 2017, 16:27 PM IST

Most women don't have healthy weight during pregnancy

More than half gained too much weight during pregnancy while a quarter did not gain enough weight.

Jun 07, 2017, 13:51 PM IST

Exercise, healthy diet lowers risk of colon cancer recurrence

Colon cancer patients who reported a healthy body weight, engaged in regular physical activity, and ate a diet rich in whole grains, vegetables and fruits that was low in red and processed meats, had a lower risk of cancer recurrence and death.

May 22, 2017, 11:12 AM IST

Beware women! Gaining 1.74 kg per year can make you obese in late 40s

The study found that women who gained 0.19 kg per year remained healthy weight, 0.84 kg/year became overweight and 1.74 kg/year became obese.

May 19, 2017, 22:05 PM IST

Suffering from back pain? Try these simple tips to get relief from it!

 Do you often suffer from back pain? Well, this is one of the irritating problem which most of us have experienced at some point. 

Jan 23, 2017, 00:23 AM IST

Water can be the new secret to losing weight: Study

We all might have tried many things like to get rid of those excess fats in our body. But have you ever thought of water being the reason of your weight loss.

Jul 12, 2016, 20:22 PM IST