Homo naledi

Homo naledi likely lived alongside modern humans: Study

A new research has revealed that the mysterious and newly discovered human species named Homo naledi, which was first announced just two years ago, likely lived alongside Homo sapiens or modern humans.

May 10, 2017, 00:46 AM IST

Extinct tree-climbing human was handy with its feet as well

Detailed analysis of 107 foot bones indicates that H. naledi was well adapted for standing and walking on two feet, but that it also was likely comfortable climbing trees.

Oct 12, 2015, 08:32 AM IST

Homo naledi adapted to both tree climbing, walking upright

The newly discovered human ancestor Homo naledi may have been 'jack of all trades' - uniquely adapted for both tree climbing and walking upright, while also being handy with tools, new research has found.

Oct 07, 2015, 13:38 PM IST