UK PM Rishi Sunak Planning Global AI Watchdog: Report

Among the ideas under consideration in Downing Street is setting up a global AI authority in London, modelled on the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Jun 03, 2023, 16:42 PM IST

Blackout in Kharkiv and Donetsk regions: Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy denounces Russia attack on power stations

In Sunday night's missile attacks by Russia, the Kharkiv and Donetsk regions seemed to bear the brunt. Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia and Sumy had only partially lost power, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said. 

Sep 12, 2022, 07:39 AM IST

IAEA loses contact with monitoring systems installed at Ukraine’s Chernobyl nuclear plant

The Chernobyl site is not currently operational and handling of nuclear material has been halted. The facility holds decommissioned reactors, as well as radioactive waste facilities, the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA), said, citing information from Ukraine's nuclear regulator.

Mar 09, 2022, 16:14 PM IST

Russia-Ukraine Conflict: IAEA Director General talks to Ukrainian PM

The Director General of the IAEA appealed to the Ukrainian PM to stop using the military and talked about the safety of nuclear plants.

Mar 04, 2022, 10:46 AM IST

Refrain from actions that threaten safety of Ukraine's nuclear power plants: IAEA calls on all parties

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said that Ukraine has four nuclear power sites with a total of 15 reactors, providing roughly half of the country's electricity.

Feb 27, 2022, 14:26 PM IST

Iran to enrich uranium upto 20 per cent as soon as possible

Iran said it plans to enrich uranium up to 20 per cent at its underground Fordo nuclear facility as soon as possible, pushing its programme a technical step away from weapons-grade levels as it increases pressure on the West over the tattered atomic deal.

Jan 02, 2021, 22:53 PM IST

Iran rejects inspection of military sites under nuclear deal

A senior military adviser to Iran`s supreme leader said on Sunday that inspecting Iranian military sites under the pretext of the international nuclear deal is "impossible", state TV reported.

Aug 28, 2017, 06:11 AM IST

US sanctions vote 'hostile', says top Iran negotiator

The UN and other signatories to the nuclear deal have agreed that Iran has stuck to its commitments, which has been reluctantly accepted by the administration of President Donald Trump.

Jul 26, 2017, 13:50 PM IST

North Korea nuclear test 'deeply troubling': UN watchdog

North Korea's latest and fifth nuclear test, if confirmed, is "deeply troubling and regrettable", the head of the UN atomic watchdog said today.

Sep 09, 2016, 13:09 PM IST

'Indications' North Korea has reactivated plutonium plant: IAEA

North Korea mothballed the Yongbyon reactor in 2007 under an aid-for-disarmament accord, but began renovating it after its third nuclear test in 2013.

Jun 06, 2016, 23:35 PM IST

Iran claims it has removed core of reactor, key to nuke deal

Nuclear technicians have finished removing the core of the Iran's only nuclear heavy water reactor as part of Tehran's obligations under its nuclear deal with world powers, Iranian state television reported today.

Jan 14, 2016, 23:39 PM IST

UN watchdog decides to close nuclear weapons probe of Iran

In a symbolic victory for Iran, the International Atomic Energy Agency`s Board of Governors passed a resolution that would end its long-running inquiry but allows inspectors to continue to police the country`s nuclear programme.

Dec 15, 2015, 21:08 PM IST

Iran says IAEA nuclear bomb probe now 'closed'

Iran said on Wednesday it now considers a UN probe into allegations of past nuclear weapons research closed after a watchdog published its long-awaited report.

Dec 03, 2015, 05:22 AM IST

Iran did work 'relevant' to nuclear bomb pre-2003: UN watchdog

The IAEA has long suspected that such activities -- known as the "possibile military dimensions" (PMD) of Iran's civilian nuclear programme -- may have taken place.

Dec 03, 2015, 00:41 AM IST

Iran agrees to allow tougher inspections: UN nuke agency

The United Nations atomic agency on Sunday said Iran has agreed to allow greater monitoring of Tehran's commitment to the nuclear deal.

Oct 18, 2015, 21:59 PM IST

Iranian missile test sends 'worrying message', says France

Iran's recent test of a long-range missile sent a "worrying message" to the international community over Tehran's nuclear plans and violated UN resolution, the French foreign ministry said on Thursday.

Oct 15, 2015, 23:46 PM IST

Iran hands IAEA samples from suspect Parchin site: Official

Iran has given samples taken by its own experts from the suspect Parchin military site to UN nuclear monitors whose own scientists were not present, an Iranian official said Monday.

Sep 21, 2015, 15:37 PM IST

'Iran hands IAEA samples from suspect Parchin site'

Iran has given samples taken by its own experts from the suspect Parchin military site to UN nuclear monitors whose own scientists were not present, an Iranian official said Monday.

Sep 21, 2015, 15:32 PM IST

IAEA chief visits Iran's sensitive military site

) The chief of UN`s nuclear agency visited Parchin, one of Iran`s most sensitive sites, which Western intelligence agencies have claimed might have been the location for conducting secret nuclear tests with possible military dimensions, a statement said.

Sep 21, 2015, 08:02 AM IST

IAEA chief heads to Tehran for nuclear talks

 The head of the UN nuclear watchdog will travel to Iran on Saturday for talks on Tehran`s nuclear programme with senior officials, the IAEA said in a statement.

Sep 19, 2015, 17:31 PM IST