ICBM test

US bombers fly over Korean Peninsula in response to Pyongyang`s missile test

US strategic bombers flew over the Korean Peninsula in a pointed show of force in response to Pyongyang`s latest intercontinental ballistic missile, American officials said Saturday. 

Jul 30, 2017, 10:01 AM IST

ICBM test a reckless and dangerous action by North Korea: Donald Trump

The provocative North Korea ICBM test comes in less than 24 hours of the Senate passing a bill to impose tough sanctions on Russia, North Korea and Iran.


Jul 29, 2017, 17:40 PM IST

North Korea leader says 'entire United States' within range after missile test

The North's July 4 test triggered global alarm, with experts saying the missile had a theoretical range to reach Alaska.

Jul 29, 2017, 14:15 PM IST

Donald Trump expresses frustration with China over North Korea support

North Korea's launch this week of an intercontinental ballistic missile demonstrated a dangerous new reach for weapons it hopes to top with nuclear warheads one day.

Jul 05, 2017, 22:54 PM IST

North Korean nuclear problem can't be solved by force: Russian foreign minister

The task of the denuclearization of the entire Korean peninsula cannot and should not be used as a disguise for attempts to change North Korea`s regime said Sergei Lavrov

Jul 05, 2017, 18:13 PM IST