IK Gujral

If Narasimha Rao had listened to IK Gujaral, 1984 riots could have been avoided: Manmohan Singh

Speaking at an event to mark the 100th birth anniversary of IK Gujral, Manmohan Singh said, "When the incident took place, Gujral ji was so concerned that he went to the then home minister Narsimha Rao that very evening and said to him that the situation is so grave that it is necessary for the government to call the Army at the earliest. If that advice would have been heeded perhaps the 1984 massacre could have been avoided."

Dec 05, 2019, 13:07 PM IST

Anti-BJP parties are like Rubik's Cube, 2 sides right could mean 4 sides wrong

The Congress is too weak to be the core of anti-BJP politics, and some parties would prefer a weaker BJP.

Jan 25, 2019, 14:21 PM IST

Karunanidhi shaped national politics, he was the true kingmaker behind 6 Indian Prime Ministers

Karunanidhi is also probably the only leader who has allied with the Congress, BJP, Third Front and the Left.

Aug 08, 2018, 12:19 PM IST