Indian Navy Day 2019

Why December 4 is celebrated as National Navy Day

In 1971, December 4 was the day when the Indian Navy sank four Pakistani vessels including PNS Khaibar during its Operation Trident in the Indo-Pak war. 

Dec 04, 2019, 13:42 PM IST

Indian Navy Day 2019: President Kovind, PM Modi greet Navy personnel, salute their bravery

Navy Day is celebrated across India each year to honour the achievements and role that the force has played in ensuring peace and security of the country. It is specifically celebrated on December 4 as on this date, Operation Trident was launched during the Indo-Pakistan 1971 war. 

Dec 04, 2019, 10:31 AM IST

Replug: On Indian Navy Day 2019, meet Sub-Lieutenant Shivangi, first woman pilot of the naval force

As we celebrate the Indian Navy Day on Wednesday (December 4), let us take a look at Sub-Lieutenant Shivangi's inspiring journey from a small town in Bihar to the Indian Navy.  

Dec 04, 2019, 09:13 AM IST