Iran US ties

Iran says US envoys all the same 'they bite off more than they can chew'

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced Thursday that the top US envoy for Iran, Brian Hook, was leaving his post and the US special representative for Venezuela, Elliott Abrams, would add Iran to his role.

Aug 08, 2020, 02:33 AM IST

Iran holds annual Gulf drill amid rising tensions with US

There have been periodic confrontations in the Gulf in recent years between the Guards and the U.S. military, which has accused the Guards` navy of sending fast-attack boats to harass U.S. warships as they pass the Strait of Hormuz.

Jul 29, 2020, 00:29 AM IST

Iran will strike reciprocal blow against US for killing of top commander Qassem Soleimani: Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

On January 3, a US drone strike in Iraq killed Soleimani, leader of the Revolutionary Guards’ Quds Force.

Jul 22, 2020, 01:44 AM IST

Two rockets fell in Baghdad`s heavily fortified Green Zone, no casualties: Iraqi military

Trump said the United States did not necessarily have to hit back after Iran`s attack on military bases housing U.S. troops in Iraq, itself an act of retaliation for the Jan. 3 U.S. strike that killed Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani.

Jan 09, 2020, 10:41 AM IST

Iran's missile attack 'slap on face' of US, its troops should leave region: Iranian leader Ali Khamenei

Iranian state television said Iran had fired 15 missiles at US targets. The US military said at least two Iraqi facilities hosting US-led coalition personnel were targeted at about 1:30 am Iraq time (2230 GMT on Tuesday).

Jan 08, 2020, 14:17 PM IST

All is well, US has most powerful military worldwide: Donald Trump

Taking to Twitter, the US President said, "All is well! Missiles launched from Iran at 2 military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties&damages taking place now. So far, so good! We have the most powerful & well-equipped military anywhere in the world, by far! I will be making a statement tomorrow morning."

Jan 08, 2020, 14:03 PM IST

LIVE | Peace, stability cannot prevail in Middle East as long as Iran continues to foment terrorism: Donald Trump

The nation on Wednesday morning woke up to several developments and we at Zee News will bring you the top news throughout the day. Stay tuned.

Jan 08, 2020, 08:25 AM IST

Iran launches second series of rockets toward US targets in Iraq; security beefed up around White House

The second series of rockets have been launched toward US targets in Iraq soon after over a dozen ballistic missiles struck two military bases used by US forces in Iraq, Iranian media reported.

Jan 08, 2020, 07:15 AM IST

Iran attacks multiple locations in Iraq including airbase having US forces

Another US official, speaking on condition of anonymity, had confirmed to Reuters earlier that a rocket attack had taken place against al Asad airbase, but did not confirm other sites. US President Donald Trump visited the base in his December 2018 trip to Iraq.

Jan 08, 2020, 06:32 AM IST

Iran names US troops, Pentagon as terrorist entities for killing General Qassem Soleimani

During Tuesday's session, "all members of the Pentagon, the affiliated companies and institutes and commanders and those who ordered for the assassination of Lieutenant General martyr Hajj Qassem Soleimani" were added to the terrorist list, as reported by Fars agency.

Jan 07, 2020, 14:49 PM IST

Iran President Hassan Rouhani says no talks with US until sanctions lifted

Trump said on Monday he would meet Iran`s president under the right circumstances to end a confrontation over Tehran`s 2015 nuclear deal with six powers and that talks were underway to see how countries could open credit lines to keep Iran`s economy afloat.

Aug 27, 2019, 12:07 PM IST

Iran's foreign minister arrives for G7 summit side talks, surprises White House

European leaders have struggled to tamp down the brewing confrontation between Iran and the United States since Trump pulled Washington out of Iran`s internationally-brokered 2015 nuclear deal and reimposed sanctions on the Iranian economy.

Aug 26, 2019, 06:55 AM IST

War with Iran is the mother of all wars: President Hassan Rouhani

Tensions have risen between Iran and the West since 2018 when the United States pulled out of an international agreement which curbed the Islamic Republic’s nuclear programme in return for an easing of economic sanctions on Iran.

Aug 06, 2019, 21:27 PM IST

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani says US is pursuing 'incorrect path': Report

European signatories have not done enough to preserve the landmark 2015 nuclear deal and it would be in the benefit of European countries and the US to stick to their promises under the deal, Rouhani said.

Jun 26, 2019, 16:31 PM IST

US CENTCOM releases video of Iran shooting down its RQ-4A Global Hawk drone

The incident almost resulted in a retaliatory strike by the US military but President Donald Trump pulled the plug on the attack just 10 minutes before it was to take place. 

Jun 22, 2019, 12:01 PM IST

Iran says there will be no war with US: Report

Worries about a military confrontation between Iran and the United States have mounted since attacks last week on two oil tankers near the Gulf.

Jun 19, 2019, 15:00 PM IST