Islamic State Syria

Islamic State 'caliphate' defeated, yet threat persists

SDF fighters, who besieged Baghouz for weeks while planes pounded from above, paraded in memory of 11,000 comrades killed in years of fighting against IS. A band played the American national anthem. 

Mar 24, 2019, 10:54 AM IST

Gun fire, landmines slow SDF advance in ruins of Islamic State's Syrian territory

The defeat of Islamic State at Baghouz will mark a milestone in the campaign against the jihadist group.

Mar 11, 2019, 20:48 PM IST

Waves of people still leaving Islamic State's last Syrian enclave

The SDF has said it wants to ensure all civilians have been evacuated before launching a final assault on the besieged enclave of Baghouz.

Mar 07, 2019, 20:32 PM IST

Operation to end last IS Syria pocket hits evacuation snag

Western countries refusing to repatriate jihadists were not living up to their responsibilities and leaving countries like Turkey to face the consequences.

Feb 21, 2019, 20:35 PM IST

Islamic State closer to defeat in last Syrian enclave

Baghouz is the final scrap of ground left to Islamic State in the Euphrates valley region that became its last major stronghold in Iraq and Syria after a series of catastrophic defeats in 2017. 

Feb 20, 2019, 22:26 PM IST

'Slow and methodical' progress in Islamic State Syria pocket: coalition

Baghouz, a village on the east bank of the Euphrates at Syria`s border with Iraq, is Islamic State`s last territorial foothold in the U.S.-led coalition`s area of operations.

Feb 12, 2019, 20:34 PM IST