Jean-Claude Juncker

EU`s Juncker in battle to push through top team

The head of the European Union`s new executive faced a battle to push through his chosen team on Thursday after parliamentarians savaged France`s nominated commissioner and withheld approval for those from Britain and Spain.

Oct 02, 2014, 18:42 PM IST

Jean-Claude Juncker names new EU Commission team

Jean-Claude Juncker, incoming head of the European Commission, named his team for the next five years Wednesday to face the daunting challenges of a stalled EU economy and widespread disillusionment.

Sep 10, 2014, 18:56 PM IST

New EU Commission gives key economic posts to France, Britain

Jean-Claude Juncker, the incoming president of the European Commission, handed key economic and financial responsibilities to French and British members of a restructured, 28-strong team on Wednesday.

Sep 10, 2014, 18:08 PM IST

Jean-Claude Juncker: Veteran EU insider

Jean-Claude Juncker, approved by the European Parliament Tuesday to head the European Commission, is a veteran EU insider versed in the art of getting things done in the labyrinth of the bloc.

Jul 15, 2014, 20:16 PM IST

Juncker wins parliament endorsement for powerful EU job

Luxembourg`s former conservative premier Jean-Claude Juncker won the endorsement Tuesday of the European Parliament to become president of the powerful European Commission for the next five years.

Jul 15, 2014, 20:14 PM IST

Juncker`s bid for top EU job goes to vote in parliament

Despite stiff opposition from British Prime Minister David Cameron, Juncker was nominated by EU leaders last month in a 26-2 vote.

Jul 15, 2014, 08:54 AM IST

British PM ready to 'do business' with Juncker

The British premier has said the result could increase the prospects of Britain leaving the 28-member European Union after the referendum on the issue.

Jun 30, 2014, 20:55 PM IST

Centre-left leaders back Juncker for top EU job

Juncker is the frontrunner to replace Jose Manuel Barroso as European Commission head.

Jun 21, 2014, 20:17 PM IST