Losing weight

Want to lose weight? Try eating slowly, suggests study

Losing weight is not an easy feat to accomplish, even when you have set a specific target. It requires hard work, discipline, dedication, immense will-power, and self-control.

Feb 13, 2018, 19:33 PM IST

Weight loss - A potential treatment for breast cancer

Excess weight raises the risk of breast cancer as fat cells produce hormones that help drive tumours.

Dec 09, 2017, 16:05 PM IST

Losing weight can also help you save money, says study

 A high body mass index (BMI) is linked to a higher risk of serious conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some cancers.  

Sep 26, 2017, 16:27 PM IST

Weighing 117 kilos, man sheds 82 kgs to become Slimming World's Man of the Year - Read

 With immense dedication, hard work and perseverance, Westaway lost 82 kilos and has been crowned with a prestigious slimming prize.

Aug 27, 2017, 12:55 PM IST

Hop on to the weighing scale daily to accelerate your weight loss process!

Noticing weight gain can motivate adults to adopt lifestyle changes, helping them to avoid an expanding waistline.

Aug 20, 2017, 12:57 PM IST

Want to lose weight? Go vegetarian, suggests study!

For the small yet significant study, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, the team randomly assigned 74 people to follow either a vegetarian or a conventional diet.

Jun 14, 2017, 11:19 AM IST

Test for coronary artery disease motivates people to adopt healthier habits

Researchers have found that undergoing a computer tomographic angiography was a better motivator to get people with suspected coronary artery disease to adopt healthier lifestyle practices than an exercise electrocardiography and stress test.

Oct 16, 2016, 00:58 AM IST

Honey: How it helps in weight loss!

Studies suggest that honey is a smarter choice than table sugar for people wanting to lose weight.

Feb 09, 2016, 18:49 PM IST

Exercise 'sweet spot' for losing weight may exist: Study

People who start exercise programmes to lose weight often see a decline in weight loss (or even a reversal) after a few months.

Jan 31, 2016, 18:56 PM IST

How to lose weight without any sweat!

Just making a few simple changes in your lifestyle can help you out with your weight issues.

Dec 29, 2015, 18:47 PM IST

Why it's nearly impossible to shed those extra kilos

Wealthy western nations, like the U.S. and U.K., have been weight and body image-obsessed for decades now.

Dec 26, 2015, 17:24 PM IST

Speed up your metabolism with these five simple hacks!

Time for a few simple hacks to speed up your metabolism!

Dec 22, 2015, 19:30 PM IST

Lose weight at home through these 5 simple hacks!

There are certain tips you can follow to maintain a healthy weight right at home!

Nov 30, 2015, 16:42 PM IST

Want to avoid cancer? Lose weight!

Excess fat not only increases the risk of some breast cancers, it also renders treatment less effective.

Oct 19, 2015, 13:41 PM IST

Spice up your life! Know why red chillies are good for you!

Spicy food is loved and savoured by all across the globe. The hot and fiery flavour peppered with relish is how most people, the world over, prefer their food to be. Spicy food gives one a feeling of satisfaction and contentment after finishing a meal.  

Sep 30, 2015, 17:40 PM IST