May Brexit deal

British parliament weighs forcing May into a softer Brexit

The third defeat of May`s withdrawal agreement on Friday left one of the weakest British leaders in a generation facing a spiralling crisis over Brexit.

Apr 01, 2019, 23:36 PM IST

Brexit delayed: British PM May requests three-month extension

Now, May has written to European Council President Donald Tusk to ask for a delay until June 30.

Mar 20, 2019, 18:31 PM IST

Brexit setback for May: Speaker rules she must change her plan to get another vote

Speaker John Bercow said the government could not bring forward proposals for a vote that were substantially the same as had already been defeated twice before, in January and last week.

Mar 18, 2019, 22:30 PM IST

British PM Theresa May's top lawyer heads to Brussels in last-ditch Brexit bid

Cox and Barclay will hold a 90-minute meeting with the EU`s chief negotiator Michel Barnier and other officials from the bloc on Tuesday, followed by further discussions over dinner. 

Mar 05, 2019, 19:30 PM IST

UK's May to promise more Brexit debates in push for more negotiating time

The impasse has left the world`s fifth largest economy facing an uncertain future.

Feb 10, 2019, 16:24 PM IST

British PM Theresa May wants Irish treaty to break Brexit impasse: paper

May suffered a heavy defeat in parliament on Tuesday when Conservative lawmakers and members of other parties rejected her Brexit plan by an overwhelming majority. 

Jan 20, 2019, 08:44 AM IST