NASA space missions

Know Dr Swati Mohan who coordinated NASA's operation Perseverence Rover landing system on Mars

While Dr Swati Mohan has been a member of the Perseverance Rover mission since the beginning at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA, Dr Mohan has also been a part of various important missions of NASA. Apart from being the lead systems engineer during the development process, she also looks after the team.

Feb 19, 2021, 07:51 AM IST

Studying comets and Saturn's moon Titan on NASA's agenda for 2018

This will be the fourth year of full operations for Sofia, short for Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, with observations planned between February 2018 and January 2019.

Jan 02, 2018, 08:53 AM IST

NASA's agenda for 2018: Celebrate 60th year and 'touch' the Sun

The Parker Solar Probe will perform its scientific investigations in a hazardous region of intense heat and solar radiation.

Dec 31, 2017, 17:40 PM IST

Five incredible revelations of NASA's Cassini mission

Cassini's aim of investigating Saturn is truly a fruitful one, owing to all the amazingly informative insights into the evolution and structure of the ringed planet.

Sep 15, 2017, 09:25 AM IST

Here's looking at you, kid! Check out Jupiter's 'face' peering down at Juno – See pic

Citizen scientists often have a gala time creating the best enhanced-colour images of gas giant by using data delivered by Juno.

Jul 01, 2017, 09:44 AM IST

NASA's first-ever mission to study spinning neutron stars to be launched on June 3!

Due to their extreme nature, neutron stars and pulsars have engendered a great deal of interest since their existence was proposed in 1939 and then discovered in 1967.

Jun 02, 2017, 20:26 PM IST

NASA's Juno mission successfully accomplishes fifth science orbit of Jupiter!

Juno's next close flyby of Jupiter will occur on July 11, 2017, taking it over Jupiter’s Great Red Spot.

May 20, 2017, 08:16 AM IST

NASA's Juno spacecraft to make fifth Science flyby of Jupiter today!

Juno will make its fifth science flyby over Jupiter's mysterious cloud tops on Friday, May 19, 2:00 am EDT (Thursday, May 18, at 11:00 pm PDT and 6:00 UTC).

May 19, 2017, 09:27 AM IST

Technical and budget challenges may delay Mars spacecraft's first mission, says NASA

It cites delays in the development of the Orion service module, provided by the European Space Agency (ESA), as well as technical risks from changes in the design of the capsule's heat shield.

Apr 14, 2017, 21:30 PM IST