Nicolas Maduro

Donald Trump pressed aides on Venezuela invasion: US official

As a meeting last August in the Oval Office to discuss sanctions on Venezuela was concluding, President Donald Trump turned to his top aides and asked an unsettling question: With a fast unravelling Venezuela threatening regional security, why can't the US just simply invade the troubled country? 

Jul 05, 2018, 08:04 AM IST

Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro to seek re-election in 2018

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro will seek another term in next year`s election, Vice President Tareck El Aissami has said.

Nov 30, 2017, 09:40 AM IST

Hugo Chavez's cousin to lead Citgo, PDVSA`s arm in US

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Wednesday named Asdrubal Chavez -- a cousin of late leader Hugo Chavez -- to lead Citgo, the state oil company`s US affiliate.

Nov 23, 2017, 08:23 AM IST

Venezuela's unrest, food scarcity take psychological toll on children

Venezuelan siblings Jeremias, 8, and Victoria, 3, were in their pajamas and preparing to go to bed when a tear gas canister smashed through their family`s kitchen window in early July.

Oct 05, 2017, 18:22 PM IST

Venezuela's Maduro upbeat on talks, opposition fear ''show''

They want a date for the next presidential election, due by the end of 2018, with guarantees it will be free and fair, plus freedom for hundreds of jailed activists, a foreign humanitarian aid corridor, and respect for the opposition-led congress. 

Sep 17, 2017, 12:54 PM IST

Venezuela Pres Maduro urges starving citizens to eat rabbits

Voracious inflation -- which the IMF said will climb to 720 percent this year -- means Venezuelans earning the minimum wage have to spend 10 percent of their income to buy a kilo of meat.

Sep 14, 2017, 20:32 PM IST

UN rights boss sees possible 'crimes against humanity' in Venezuela

Last month, Zeid`s office said that Venezuela`s security forces had committed extensive and apparently deliberate human rights violations in crushing anti-government protests and that democracy was "barely alive".

Sep 11, 2017, 14:07 PM IST

New Venezuelan assembly to try opposition leaders for treason

Venezuela`s all-powerful new constituent assembly said Tuesday it will hold treason trials for opposition leaders it said are promoting economic sanctions imposed by the United States.

Aug 30, 2017, 07:03 AM IST

Donald Trump slaps new sanctions on Venezuelan government, state oil firm

US President has signed an executive order that prohibits dealings in new debt from the Venezuelan government or its state oil company.

Aug 26, 2017, 03:19 AM IST

Venezuela`s sanctions-hit Maduro says he wants direct talk with Trump

 Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro said Thursday he wants a one-to-one talk with US President Donald Trump, who has slapped him with sanctions, but stood defiant against "imperialist aggression."

Aug 11, 2017, 07:44 AM IST

'Terrorists' attack Venezuela military base: Maduro ally

In its first act on Saturday, the body, the Constituent Assembly, ordered the dismissal of the country's attorney general, Luisa Ortega, who became a vociferous critic after breaking ranks with Maduro.

Aug 06, 2017, 23:18 PM IST

Terror attack at military base in Valencia averted: Venezuela Govt

Venezuela is wracked by tension and violence, as the unpopular Maduro government seeks to hold on to power.On Saturday chief prosecutor Luisa Ortega was removed and replaced after her office was surrounded by soldiers.

Aug 06, 2017, 20:00 PM IST

Venezuela attorney general 'under siege' as new assembly sits

On Friday, the body took over an ornate chamber under a golden dome in the Legislative Palace in Caracas -- at the far end of a building shared with the opposition-run legislature, the National Assembly.

Aug 05, 2017, 20:48 PM IST

Controversial Venezuela assembly begins first session

The United States imposed direct sanctions on Maduro over its election and warned the assembly's members could also be targeted by punitive measures. 

Aug 04, 2017, 23:14 PM IST

Venezuela opposition sets new showdown for assembly's inauguration

Venezuela's opposition is readying a new showdown with President Nicolas Maduro on Friday, rescheduling a massive protest to coincide with his inauguration of a powerful new assembly set to replace congress.

Aug 03, 2017, 21:32 PM IST

What we do and don`t know about Venezuela`s new Assembly

The Constituent Assembly will take over the chamber hitherto occupied by the opposition-controlled congress, the National Assembly.

Aug 03, 2017, 07:55 AM IST

Donald Trump holds Nicolas Maduro responsible for jailed opponents` health

US President Donald Trump issued a stern warning to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Tuesday, saying he holds him "personally responsible" for the health and safety of two jailed opposition leaders.

Aug 02, 2017, 06:36 AM IST

Venezuela arrests two top opposition leaders

Sanctions against the all-important oil sector would worsen their situation, but could also destabilize the government, which is frenziedly printing money and running out of foreign currency reserves.

Aug 01, 2017, 16:26 PM IST

US hits `dictator` Nicolas Maduro with sanctions over disputed Venezuela vote

The United States branded Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro a "dictator" threatening his country`s democracy on Monday and imposed sanctions targeting any assets he might hold on US territory.

Aug 01, 2017, 07:10 AM IST

EU condemns Venezuela election violence, may not recognise results

Sunday marked one of the deadliest days since massive protests started in early April in Venezuela and voters broadly boycotted an election for a constitutional super-body sought by the unpopular leftist President Nicolas Maduro.

Jul 31, 2017, 18:42 PM IST