OECD countries

COVID-19 impact: Australia's economy takes sharpest dive since Great Depression-era of 1930s

Australia's economy suffered its sharpest economic contraction since the Great Depression due to the pandemic, with data released Wednesday confirming the country is in its first recession in 28 years. The economy shrank 7% in June, the biggest contraction since records began in 1959, the government reported.

Sep 02, 2020, 22:49 PM IST

Income inequality in India lowest among emerging nations: OECD

India has the lowest income inequality among all emerging economies, but it is much higher than most of the advanced economies, OECD said Thursday.

May 21, 2015, 18:08 PM IST

Inequality worst in decades in range of countries: OECD

The gap between the rich and poor in a range of countries has reached its widest in 30 years and the trend has harmed growth, the OECD said on Tuesday.

Dec 09, 2014, 10:31 AM IST