
'$18 trillion unaccounted black money stashed in tax havens'

A staggering USD 18 trillion worth unaccounted money is stashed in tax havens and ploughing back that amount into the global economy can help lift people from poverty, says Oxfam.

Jan 23, 2015, 20:49 PM IST

Richest 1% to own more than 99% of people by 2016: Oxfam

The richest 1 percent people in the world will soon have more wealth than the remaining 99 percent of the global population, says a report.

Jan 19, 2015, 19:04 PM IST

Oxfam warns G20 of dangers of rising inequality

The world's biggest economies must tackle rising inequality, aid agency Oxfam warned on Tuesday, saying ignoring the issue would leave millions trapped in poverty and risk economic growth.

Nov 11, 2014, 14:35 PM IST