pakistan grey list fatf

‘Will maintain vigil on terror outfits’: MEA after Pakistan’s FATF grey-list exit

India will keep a diligent tab on the rise of terrorism after Pakistan`s removal from the FATF grey list, Sanjay Mir said

Oct 29, 2022, 21:51 PM IST

T Raja Kumar: Russia will not be able to participate in FATF's new projects, ban imposed

FATF President T Raja Kumar has made a big announcement against Russia during a two-day meeting in Paris. T Raja has barred Russia from taking part in its future projects. This step has been taken due to Russia's attack on Ukraine.

Oct 22, 2022, 08:30 AM IST

FATF Bars Russia From its Future Projects

FATF (Financial Action Task Force) has imposed sanctions on Russia. Now, Russia will not be able to get the benefit of new projects related to FATF. Commenting on this, FATF President T Raja said that action has been taken against Russia due to its attack on Ukraine.

Oct 22, 2022, 07:34 AM IST