Paris attacks

Attack on the 'Central Railway Station' of Paris

A fierce attack has been reported at the Central Railway Station of Paris. Many people have been stabbed with knives at the railway station. The attacker was shot dead by the police.

Jan 11, 2023, 16:32 PM IST

Attack on central railway station in Paris, many people stabbed with knife

A fierce attack has been reported at the Central Railway Station of Paris. Many people have been stabbed with knives at the railway station. The attacker was shot dead by the police.

Jan 11, 2023, 15:48 PM IST

Paris suspect Abdeslam: `My silence doesn`t make me a criminal`

Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam told a Belgian court Monday his refusal to answer questions does not make him a criminal and charged that Muslims were "judged mercilessly."

Feb 05, 2018, 16:45 PM IST

Jailed in Europe's biggest prison, Paris attacks suspect mum even after two years

Two years after the deadliest terror attacks in modern French history, the only surviving suspect to take part in the carnage in Paris remains an enigma.

Nov 10, 2017, 09:27 AM IST

Paris attacks suspect maintains stony silence even after two years since bloodshed

Two years after the deadliest terror attacks in modern French history, the only surviving suspect to take part in the carnage in Paris remains an enigma.

Nov 10, 2017, 07:51 AM IST

Marine Le Pen demands closure of all Islamist mosques in France

It was unclear whether the Thursday night attack would tip the balance of the vote in favour of Marine Le Pen, who has vowed to take a tough line on "Islamic terrorism".

Apr 22, 2017, 09:10 AM IST

Brussels bombing suspect charged over Paris attacks

Mohamed Abrini, the suspected "man in the hat" bomber caught on camera during the Brussels airport attack last year, has been charged in France over the November 2015 Paris terror attacks, the media reported.

Jan 30, 2017, 19:00 PM IST

Belgium charges two new suspects over Paris attacks

Some 20 people have been charged in Belgium in connection with the investigation into the Paris attacks. Investigators say the Paris and Brussels attacks were carried out by the same cell.

Jan 12, 2017, 14:51 PM IST

US puts IS suspect linked to Paris, Brussels attacks on terror list

The US State Department named Abdelilah Himich, known under the nom de guerre Abu Suleiman Al-Faransi, as the founder of a 300-strong "European foreign terrorist fighter cell."

Nov 23, 2016, 00:07 AM IST

Sorrowful France marks first anniversary of Paris massacre

France on Sunday marked the first anniversary of the Paris attacks with sombre ceremonies and painful memories for the relatives of the 130 people killed.

Nov 14, 2016, 01:18 AM IST

France to mark first anniversary of Paris attacks

France will on Sunday hold a series of sombre ceremonies to mark a year to the day since gunmen and suicide bombers from the Islamic State group killed 130 people in Paris.

Nov 13, 2016, 09:22 AM IST

Germany arrests three Syrians, sees same network as Paris attacks

Three young Syrian men arrested in Germany on Tuesday were Islamic State members brought into the country by the same network that smuggled militants into France to carry out deadly attacks last November, the German government said.

Sep 13, 2016, 23:27 PM IST

Belgium's nuclear plants to get own anti-terrorist unit

Nuclear plants in Belgium were placed under guard by 140 military personnel as part of an anti-terrorist plan following the November 2015 attacks in Paris.

Sep 09, 2016, 22:20 PM IST

Paris attacks suspect Abdeslam again refuses to answer questions: Lawyer

Salah Abdeslam, thought to be the sole surviving member of the jihadist team that attacked Paris in November 2015, on Thursday refused to answer French anti-terror judges` questions for the third time.

Sep 08, 2016, 16:08 PM IST

Austria hands over Paris attacks 'accomplices' to France

The Algerian and Pakistani men, now aged 29 and 35 and who have not been named, were arrested in Austria on December 10.

Jul 29, 2016, 18:14 PM IST

France National Assembly votes to extend state of emergency

France`s National Assembly voted in the early hours of Wednesday to extend the country`s state of emergency for six months following last week`s massacre in Nice.

Jul 20, 2016, 10:42 AM IST

France to end state of emergency later this month

The state of emergency which France declared after last November's deadly Paris attacks will come to an end later this month, President Francois Hollande confirmed on Thursday.

Jul 15, 2016, 00:33 AM IST

Paris attacks victims to file charges against government

The victims of the Paris attacks last year, intended to file charges against the French government.

Jul 13, 2016, 10:40 AM IST

Mark Zuckerberg's maiden Q&A session with fans via Facebook Live - Watch!

Zuckerberg answered a variety of questions, chosen by their popularity on the site, one of the top being if he was actually a lizard.

Jun 15, 2016, 10:34 AM IST

Salah Abdeslam slapped with terror charges over Paris attacks

A French court on Wednesday charged Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam over his role in the November 2015 carnage that left 130 dead, just hours after his extradition from Belgium.

Apr 28, 2016, 03:32 AM IST