Paris climate deal

Emmanuel Macron takes a dig at Donald Trump for leaving Paris Accord; hails India's efforts

French President Macron lauded the efforts of India, along with other nations, for making International Solar Alliance a reality.

Mar 11, 2018, 23:02 PM IST

Donald Trump does it again, blames India and China for US quitting Paris climate deal

The US President Donald Trump praised his government for cutting down on many ‘job-killing’ regulations.

Feb 24, 2018, 20:10 PM IST

'Extreme weather events more likely if Paris goals aren't met'

Meeting the Paris Agreement's goal of keeping the global-scale warming to less than two degrees is likely to reduce the area of the globe that experiences greater than threefold increases in the probability of record-setting events.

Feb 14, 2018, 18:56 PM IST

Global temperature targets likely to be missed within decades

Immediate action is required to develop a carbon-neutral or carbon-negative future or, alternatively, prepare adaptation strategies for the effects of a warmer climate.

Jan 23, 2018, 18:55 PM IST

Donald Trump says US could `conceivably` return to Paris climate deal

The process of leaving is long and complex, and Trump`s comments will renew questions about whether he actually intends to withdraw or simply wants easier US emissions targets.

Jan 11, 2018, 08:31 AM IST

Earth being driven towards 'tipping points' due to climate change: Report

In relation to climate change, these invisible thresholds are a point-of-no-return beyond which lies a world that could fall rapidly and seriously out of balance.

Nov 15, 2017, 12:41 PM IST

Syria signs Paris climate deal, US now only non-member nation in the world

The Syria People's Assembly voted to approve ratification of the agreement last month, according to the country's state-run media outlet SANA.

Nov 09, 2017, 09:55 AM IST

61% Americans oppose Donald Trump's decision to pull out of Paris climate agreement: Survey

Donald Trump's reasoning for backing out of the Paris accord was that it undermined the country's economy, cost US jobs, and put it at a disadvantage to other nations.

Oct 03, 2017, 13:22 PM IST

Sushma Swaraj reaffirms India's commitment to Paris climate accord

The summit was presided by French President Emmanuel Macron.

Sep 20, 2017, 17:51 PM IST

US refutes EU offical's claims of softening stance on Paris climate deal

At a summit held in Canada, a European official said that a US envoy has signalled that President Donald Trump may be ready to soften his stance on the Paris climate pact.

Sep 17, 2017, 10:48 AM IST

India ratifies second commitment period of Kyoto Protocol

The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which commits its Parties by setting internationally binding emission reduction targets.

Aug 09, 2017, 12:52 PM IST

The US is heating up! America witnesses dramatic rise in temperatures over last 4 decades: Federal report

The report says extreme heat waves have become more common and extreme cold waves less common since the 1980s.

Aug 08, 2017, 12:51 PM IST

The heat is rising! Earth may become over two degrees warmer this century

Our planet may see a temperature increase of 2 to 4.9 degrees Celsius over the next 80 years, much higher than the target set by the 2016 Paris Agreement, the study has found.

Aug 01, 2017, 17:16 PM IST

G20: Compromise on climate change, but at what cost?

The key risk for defenders of the global pact is that other countries could now follow Trump's lead.

Jul 09, 2017, 17:29 PM IST

US isolated as India, other G20 members back Paris climate pact

The two-day G20 Summit saw the Indian side making "significant contributions" on the resolve to counter terrorism and boost global trade and investment.

Jul 08, 2017, 22:22 PM IST

US President Donald Trump defends decision to pull out of Paris climate deal, says he's 'proud' of it

Climate change has become a major bone of contention between the United States and its Western allies, and the issue is set to loom large when Trump meets Group of 20 leaders in Hamburg, Germany next week.

Jun 30, 2017, 08:33 AM IST

What does PM Modi's bilateral meet with US President Donald Trump have in store for NASA-ISRO satellite?

Recently, the US walked out of the Paris Climate Change Treaty while India continues to honour its commitments.

Jun 25, 2017, 10:36 AM IST

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson gets flipped off in New Zealand for quitting Paris climate deal

US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson was shown middle fingers in New Zealand.

Jun 06, 2017, 18:58 PM IST

Paris climate deal withdrawal: Elon Musk quits Donald Trump's advisory councils

After Trump announced that the US would exit the Paris Climate Agreement on Thursday, the Tesla founder severed his ties with him, quitting the presidential advisory boards.

Jun 06, 2017, 14:23 PM IST

India's green lobby slams Trump for exiting Paris deal

The Agreement was adopted on December 12, 2015 by 195 parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), replacing its predecessor Kyoto Protocol. It was finally ratified on November 4, 2016.

Jun 02, 2017, 20:40 PM IST