Parliamentary vote

Swedish opposition party to call vote of no-confidence in PM

Sweden`s anti-immigration Sweden Democrat party on Wednesday tabled a parliamentary vote of no confidence in Prime Minister Stefan Lofven, demanding his resignation in the aftermath of a scandal over leaks of sensitive material.

Sep 13, 2017, 20:18 PM IST

Albania's ruling Socialists set to win: Exit poll

The exit poll by Italy's IPR Marketing, with a margin of error of two percent, showed the Socialists are set to win between 45 and 49 percent of the vote, which could secure them more than half of the seats in parliament.

Jun 26, 2017, 09:26 AM IST

Thousands rally to demand South Korea President`s ouster

Thousands of protesters braved sleet and freezing temperatures in Seoul on Saturday to demand President Park Geun-Hye resign over a corruption scandal or face impeachment.

Nov 26, 2016, 12:08 PM IST

Assad party wins expected majority in Syria parliamentary vote

Syria's ruling Baath party and its allies won a majority of seats in parliamentary elections last week across government-held parts of the country, the national electoral commission has announced.

Apr 17, 2016, 18:54 PM IST