Phone charger

DNA: What is Government's One Nation One Charger strategy?

Now the government is preparing that all types of gadgets can be charged with a single common charger. For this, the government had called a meeting of all the state holders associated with the mobile industry of the country. In this meeting, it was considered to prepare the strategy of One Nation, One Charger.

Aug 18, 2022, 01:04 AM IST

DNA: Single charger for all electronic devices?

A new law has come in 27 countries of Europe, under which all devices like mobile phones, digital cameras will be charged with a single charger. The European Union has legalized it, now from 2024, all electronic devices will use a single charger.

Jun 11, 2022, 02:16 AM IST

Now, charger that can boost phone battery to 'full capacity' within seconds

One of the gadgets hogging the limelight at the CES this year is a charger that can boost your battery to full capacity in less time than it takes to boil a kettle.

Jan 09, 2015, 09:37 AM IST