
Warsaw's Modlin airport evacuated after bomb threat

The airport in Modlin received a bomb threat over the phone.

Dec 30, 2015, 15:09 PM IST

EU flags disappear from Polish government press briefings

Poland's new Prime Minister has broken with the practice of pro-European predecessors and has removed the EU flag from her weekly news conference.

Nov 24, 2015, 23:00 PM IST

Google Glass helps cardiologists open blocked heart artery

Cardiologists from the Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw, successfully restored blood flow in the occluded right coronary artery of a 49-year-old male patient assisted by Google Glass with an optical head-mounted display.

Nov 20, 2015, 17:53 PM IST

Plane flying from Warsaw to Egypt makes emergency landing following bomb scare

The passengers were evacuated from the plane flying from Warsaw to the Egyptian resort city of Hurghada.

Nov 19, 2015, 13:28 PM IST

Poland to host 2016 NATO Summit

The Polish government has agreed on the plan of action concerning the preparation of the NATO Summit that will take place in Warsaw on July 8-9 2016.

Oct 28, 2015, 03:56 AM IST

Poland's Law and Justice party gains majority in parliament

The right-wing and anti-migrant Law and Justice party has won a majority of seats in Poland's parliament and can govern alone, the state election authority announced today.

Oct 28, 2015, 01:56 AM IST

Polish eurosceptic conservatives score landslide victory

Poland's conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party has won an outright majority in general election.

Oct 26, 2015, 04:41 AM IST

Banned Crimean leader slips into EU after passport error

A blacklisted deputy prime minister of Crimea, whose annexation by Russia last year sparked Western sanctions, has managed to slip into Poland because of the way his name was transcribed on the banned list.

Oct 02, 2015, 16:01 PM IST

Russian ambassador backtracks on Poland`s `co-responsibility` for WWII

 Russia`s ambassador to Poland on Monday backtracked on controversial weekend comments suggesting Warsaw was partly to blame for World War II that sparked outcry.

Sep 28, 2015, 16:46 PM IST

Poland `co-responsible` for WWII, says Russian ambassador

The Russian ambassador to Poland has alleged that Warsaw was partly to blame for World War II, prompting a storm of protest in the country which claims to be its greatest victim. 

Sep 27, 2015, 01:54 AM IST

Poles furious after Russia blames them for starting WWII

The Russian ambassador to Poland has sparked outrage for putting some of the blame for World War II on Poland, creating a new spat amid deepening tensions between the Slavic nations.

Sep 26, 2015, 20:43 PM IST

Poland faces EU fines over renewable energy failures

The senior legal advisor to the European Union`s top court, advocate general Melchior Wathelet, said Poland should be fined 61,380 euros ($76,081) a day.

Dec 11, 2014, 18:58 PM IST