Pulse gay nightclub

Orlando shooting: Omar Mateen's wife knew of attack, could be charged

New York The wife of Orlando shooter Omar Mateen may face criminal charges after reports emerged that she was aware of his plots to attack a gay nightclub and was with him when he bought ammunition

Jun 15, 2016, 18:21 PM IST

Orlando shooting: INTERESTING! How Kevlar helmet saved brave police official's life

It's an interesting story of how a helmet saved the life of a brave police officer of Orlando Police Department (OPD) during the shooting incident at Pulse nightclub.

Jun 13, 2016, 15:48 PM IST

Orlando shooting: WATCH | This will give you chills - You can easily hear loud banging noises of gunshots

Do you want to see that what did the people witness at Pulse nightclub when Orlando shooting attacker fired bullets?

Jun 13, 2016, 15:16 PM IST