Railway freight traffic

Indian Railways registers more than 10% jump in freight loading compared to last year

On mission mode, Indian Railways Freight loading for the month of September 2020 till September 6, 2020, crossed last year’s loading and earnings for the same period.

Sep 07, 2020, 17:25 PM IST

Indian Railways achieves milestone in pulling freight traffic, earns Rs 306.1 crore amid COVID-19 challenges

Indian Railways will publicise direct contact numbers and website details which can be accessed by traders for transporting freight, enhancing their ease.

Aug 20, 2020, 22:44 PM IST

Indian Railways revises Freight Policy during Unlock 3, announces several measures for customers

More relaxations have been provided to the customers by a slew of incentives announced by Indian Railways. These incentives are expected to boost the economy.

Aug 04, 2020, 20:02 PM IST