
Protest against pension reform law in France

Protests continue against the pension reform plan in France. Clashes between police and protesters can also be seen in many cities.

Mar 21, 2023, 08:56 AM IST

The Investigation Documentary: Why common people's heartbeat increases on hearing name of police

The gap between the police and the common citizens, because on seeing the police, people's hearts beat fast? Watch this special report of ours….

Mar 18, 2023, 23:22 PM IST

The Legal Battle: Special show for Indian citizens going through 'judicial process'

The Legal Battle Story: Zee News has brought this special show for Indian citizens going through the judicial process. In The Legal Battle, see how these people spent their entire lives waiting for justice.

Mar 12, 2023, 00:14 AM IST

DNA: Agneepath Protest -- 'Veto Power' of 140 Crore Indians against reforms

Amidst the protests against the Agneepath scheme across the country, there is also a bitter truth that the people of our country are not ready for any new changes in the old system. Any country needs 'reform' to move forward.

Jun 18, 2022, 02:20 AM IST

Media faces Australia shake-up with reforms agreed

Under legislation introduced in the 1980s to protect diversity, media companies are blocked from owning television, radio and newspaper assets in the same city, while metropolitan and regional broadcasters are barred from merging.

Sep 14, 2017, 09:40 AM IST

Indian Army to undergo major reforms: Arun Jaitley

Defence Minister Arun Jaitley said perhaps for the first time after Independence, such a big and "far-reaching" reform process is being initiated in the Army.

Aug 30, 2017, 18:35 PM IST

Reform or perish: FM Jaitley's message to states

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Monday called upon states to reform to attract investment, saying investors do not like policy paralysis and prefer destinations that offer more favourable business and political environment.


Mar 07, 2016, 15:51 PM IST

EU leaders warn over 'unacceptable' UK reform demands

French President Francois Hollande led EU opposition at a summit today to "unacceptable" demands by British Prime Minister David Cameron for reforms of the bloc.

Dec 17, 2015, 23:26 PM IST

International creditors back in Athens to review reforms

Greece's international creditors held talks early Wednesday with Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos to review progress on reforms demanded from the debt-ridden government in exchange for bailout funds.

Oct 21, 2015, 21:57 PM IST

Expecting quick reforms in India unrealistic: US

India has made steady progress on several areas of critical reforms but the notion that all problems will be addressed quickly would be "naive" and "unrealistic" as it could have a political component, a top US trade official said Tuesday.

Sep 15, 2015, 22:21 PM IST

China plans new push to reform state firms: Reports

China is preparing to unveil broad reforms for state-owned companies which will see some firms shut and others introduce more diversified ownership, according to media reports, in moves one analyst called a "game-changer".

Sep 09, 2015, 18:27 PM IST

Scam versus scam politics stalls India's reform agenda

Since the monsoon sitting of parliament began on Tuesday, the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the main opposition Congress party have been trying to outdo each other with accusations of who is the most corrupt.

Jul 23, 2015, 21:11 PM IST

Greece creditors `satisfied` with new reform vote

Greece`s international creditors are satisfied with the Greek parliament`s adoption Thursday of a second batch of reforms needed to unlock another bailout for the cash-strapped country, an EU official said.

Jul 23, 2015, 19:52 PM IST

Greece races against clock to submit reform proposal

Greece submitted a request for aid from Europe's bailout fund today, and is rushing to detail a plan of economic reforms that creditors want to see this week if they are to save the country from financial collapse and keep it in Europe's joint currency.

Jul 08, 2015, 21:20 PM IST

EU leaders warn David Cameron on reform drive

British Prime Minister David Cameron found his reform agenda sidelined at a tense EU summit Thursday as leaders warned he faces a tough negotiation ahead of a referendum on whether to leave the bloc.

Jun 25, 2015, 21:56 PM IST

David Cameron's EU reform drive sidelined at tense summit

British Prime Minister David Cameron arrived at an EU summit in Brussels Thursday to find his referendum reform push sidelined by twin crises over Greece and migration.

Jun 25, 2015, 18:36 PM IST

India seeks better ranking on World Bank's 'ease of biz' list

Pitching for a better ranking on ease of doing business for India, government officials Tuesday apprised the World Bank about various reform measures taken in the past one year including relaxation in company laws.

Jun 09, 2015, 21:38 PM IST

Greece delivers reform plan to EU, warns on cost of failure

Greece handed its creditors new proposals on unlocking funds to keep the country from default, with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras offering hope for a deal and warning the cost of failure would be enormous.

Jun 09, 2015, 16:59 PM IST

Alexis Tsipras urges EU leaders to `avoid division` in Greek reform talks

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Wednesday urged fellow European leaders to be realistic in their demands for Greek reforms to avoid sowing "division" in the bloc.

Jun 03, 2015, 19:12 PM IST

David Cameron meets EU leaders on referendum reform push

David Cameron started a two-day tour of European capitals Thursday in a bid to secure EU reforms as his government published a law paving the way for a vote on whether Britain should leave.

May 28, 2015, 22:43 PM IST