Republican presidential frontrunner

Nuclear armed Pakistan poses a major terrorist threat: Donald Trump

Ahead of the crucial Nuclear Security Summit, Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump has claimed he alone can solve the problem of Islamist terrorism with a nuclear armed Pakistan posing a "vital" issue.

Mar 30, 2016, 20:02 PM IST

Will veto any UN-imposed Israel-Palestine deal: Trump

Claiming that the UN is not a friend of democracy or freedom, Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump has pledged to veto any UN-imposed Middle East peace agreement as he pledged his complete support to Israel as US president.

Mar 22, 2016, 15:07 PM IST

Branded as liar, Cruz says Trump's campaign built on a lie

Being degraded several times a day with the tag line "liar Ted" by Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, his runner-up Senator Ted Cruz has alleged that the entire campaign of the billionaire real estate magnate is built on a lie.

Mar 22, 2016, 13:45 PM IST

Trump takes South Carolina, Hillary wins in Nevada

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump grabbed a big win in the South Carolina primary on Saturday, while Democrat Hillary Clinton breathed life into her sluggish campaign with a victory over Bernie Sanders in Nevada.

Feb 21, 2016, 06:49 AM IST

VP Biden berates Trump for `sick` message

 US Vice President Joe Biden is taking Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump to task over his "sick" comments on immigration.

Sep 16, 2015, 20:12 PM IST