Rosetta mission

Rosetta images reveal large, growing crack on comet 67P

In images taken in June 2016 by the Rosetta probe, a new 500- to 1,000-foot-long fracture was identified parallel to the original fracture spotted in August 2014.

Mar 22, 2017, 15:25 PM IST

Rosetta mission – Comet chaser’s top five discoveries in pics

Rosetta mission – Comet chaser’s top five discoveries in pics

Dec 19, 2016, 17:03 PM IST

ESA's historical Rosetta mission ends on Friday; NASA to air its descent!

Rosetta has served scientists well, through a wealth of information that it sent during its closest approach to the Sun.

Sep 28, 2016, 23:58 PM IST

Goodbye Philae! Earth to bid adieu to comet probe

The robotic lander has not called home to the European Space Agency's Rosetta mission since its last call to mothership Rosetta seven months ago.

Feb 12, 2016, 21:53 PM IST