Saudi Arabia

1,300 hajj pilgrims died during extreme heat - Report

Hajj Pilgrims Death Update: Big news related to Hajj pilgrimage is coming out. So far 1300 pilgrims have died due to heat in Saudi Arabia. So far 98 Indians have also died.

Jun 24, 2024, 11:34 AM IST

Hajj Pilgrimage To Start From June 14, Saudi Arabia Confirms

The crescent moon, which heralds the beginning of the 12th and final month in the Islamic calendar, Dhu Al Hijjah, was sighted on Thursday (June 6), following which the Saudi Supreme Court made the announcement. 

Jun 07, 2024, 09:35 AM IST

Saudi Arabia Makes Waves: First-Ever Swimwear Fashion Show

On a fabulous Friday, Saudi Arabia left the world stunned with its first-ever swimsuit fashion show. No wonder, it's a bold stride in a nation where women were once mandated to don body-covering abaya robes less than ten years ago.

May 19, 2024, 18:46 PM IST

Watch: First-Ever Swimsuit Models' Fashion Show Held In Saudi Arabia

In a rare sight, most models sported bare shoulders, and a few even flaunted partially visible midriffs. The poolside spectacle showcased the swimsuit collection of mostly one-piece suits in vibrant colors of red, beige, and blue.

May 19, 2024, 13:57 PM IST

Saudi Arabia on Pakistan: Saudi honours Lahore Cop who confronted Islamist Mob

Pakistan vs Saudi Arabia: Even after 24 days of elections in Pakistan, the new Prime Minister has not been selected.

Mar 03, 2024, 12:58 PM IST

DNA: Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia taught Pakistan a new lesson of Islam

The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia has sent a new lesson of Islam to Pakistan. A message has come directly from Islamabad for the radicals of Islamabad.

Mar 02, 2024, 23:14 PM IST

Year Of The Camel: Saudi Arabia Hails 'Ship Of The Desert', Dedicates 2024 To Their Name

The Kingdom's designation of the Year of the Camel coincides with the United Nations' designation of 2024 as the International Year of Camelids. The combined recognitions underline the significant heritage and strength of the bond between humans and camelids.

Jan 11, 2024, 17:01 PM IST

DNA: Putin visits Saudi Arabia and UAE

Putin visits Saudi Arabia: Now we will analyze Russia's Middle East diplomacy which is going to bring tension to America. UAE and Saudi Arabia are strategic partners of America.. America is taking its relations with both Muslim countries to new heights. But Putin gave a big shock by visiting two strategic partner countries of America.

Dec 08, 2023, 00:08 AM IST

Deshhit: Hamas' 'torture room' in hospital!

Israel has repeatedly accused Hamas of turning Gaza's hospitals into shields. Today the Israeli Army has put such a horrifying evidence before the world. Representatives of Muslim countries from all over the world are gathering in China. Amidst the war, 4 Muslim countries have reached China.

Nov 20, 2023, 22:48 PM IST

Arab countries stood against Qatar?

A court in Qatar has sentenced eight retired Indian Navy officers to death. These former Navy officers have been accused of spying for Israel.

Oct 27, 2023, 23:52 PM IST

Deshhit: Pakistan's dirty game exposed!

Pakistan's 'flying beggars' are going to Saudi Arabia to beg. The government of Pakistan has sent people on international missions to beg. The Secretary of the Human Resource Development Ministry of Pakistan revealed before the Senate Committee that 90 percent of the beggars caught abroad are from the country. The people of Pakistan are also fed up with the situation there and are cursing their government.

Oct 02, 2023, 23:48 PM IST

India, Saudi Arabia Sign 8 Agreements During Crown Prince's State Visit

The agreements signed are in the field of energy, in the field of digitalization and electronic manufacturing, and cooperation between India’s Central Vigilance Commission and Saudi Anti-corruption.

Sep 11, 2023, 18:41 PM IST

Know what happened during PM Modi Saudi Prince meet

PM Modi Saudi Prince Talk: A bilateral meeting has taken place between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. Many important issues were discussed in this meeting.

Sep 11, 2023, 15:48 PM IST

Saudi Arabia and India signs important agreements during Press Conference

Saudi Arabia India PC: This is the second state visit of the Saudi Crown Prince to India. A high level delegation will also accompany the Crown Prince. The Crown Prince was given a warm welcome at Rashtrapati Bhavan. Met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Hyderabad House at 11 am. After the meeting, both the countries held a joint press conference.

Sep 11, 2023, 14:14 PM IST

Saudi Arabia One Of India’s Most Important Strategic Partners: PM Modi Tells Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman

Saudi Arabia-India Talks: PM Modi thanked the visiting leader for Saudi Arabia's contribution to the success of India's G20 Presidency. He lauded the Saudi Arabian Crown Prince’s commitment or the welfare of Indians residing in Saudi Arabia. 

Sep 11, 2023, 14:13 PM IST

Mohammed Bin Salman on state visit, grand welcome at Rashtrapati Bhavan

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has been welcomed at Rashtrapati Bhavan. The Crown Prince has been given a guard of honor at Rashtrapati Bhavan today. Will hold bilateral talks with PM Modi shortly from now.

Sep 11, 2023, 12:58 PM IST

G20 Summit: India, US, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Set To Unveil Railway Deal

The United States, India, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the European Union and other G20 partners are set to explore the shipping and rail transportation corridor.

Sep 09, 2023, 13:36 PM IST

Saudi Arabia, India, US Mulling Possible Rail, Port Deal: Check Details

According to Axios, the project is expected to connect Arab countries in the Levant and the Gulf via a network of railways that will also connect to India through seaports in the Gulf.

Sep 08, 2023, 08:27 AM IST

Over 200 Lion Air Passengers Stuck At Thiruvananthapuram Airport For 24 Hours

The Lion Air flight -- JT052 -- with 212 passengers landed at the Thiruvananthapuram International airport at 3 pm on Tuesday for refuelling and left the airport on Wednesday evening.

Sep 07, 2023, 15:37 PM IST