Scrub Typhus disease

Scrub Typhus: 15 more affected, FREE your house from THIS animal immediately, OTHERWISE...

Scrub Typhus: The symptoms of dengue and Scrub Typhus are very similar. Thus, most of the times it is difficult to diagnose the disease. If not treated properly, there is also a possibility of organ failure. 

Jul 16, 2022, 07:57 AM IST

Scrub Typhus: Over 10 kids hospitalised, Mamata Banerjee's BIG step amid spread of disease

Scrub Typhus: The carrier of scrub typhus is a type of insect called trombicullid mites. As a result of this insect bite, scrub typhus enters the body. If the disease is diagnosed first, it can be tackled. But if it's too late, doctors say it could lead to death. 

Jul 07, 2022, 15:10 PM IST