
10 Phrases a Narcissist Casually Uses to Make You Feel Like Less of a Person

Discover the subtle yet manipulative phrases narcissists use to undermine your self-worth and maintain control in relationships. Learn how to recognize these tactics and protect yourself from emotional abuse.

Sep 11, 2024, 10:37 AM IST

Breaking the Chains of Approval Addiction

In this world, where everything seems like pretending, by influencing from others we are doing the same thing and for that we need approval of others because we think that they are better than us. For the sake of external validation of approval, we totally forget our self-worth.

Jul 26, 2024, 16:29 PM IST

Why Valuing Yourself Attracts Value from Others?

Valuing yourself simply means recognizing and appreciating your self-worth. It is important because it has the power to influence how others see and treat you. When you have confidence, then you already know that you deserve respect and love. Basically, how you value yourself impacts the others point of view towards you.

Jul 24, 2024, 14:21 PM IST

From Praise to Peace: Finding Self-Worth Within

In today’s world, everybody gets dependent on others praise or validation to feel good about them. However, true self-worth always comes from within. Everyone has their own unique values, appreciate yourself the way you are.

Jul 23, 2024, 13:52 PM IST