Shubman Gill dating life

Fact Check: Is Shubman Gill Dating Actress Avneet Kaur? Here's Truth Behind Viral Birthday Post

This isn’t the first time Shubman and Avneet have found themselves at the center of dating rumours.

Sep 12, 2024, 07:42 AM IST

10 Reasons Why Fans Think Shubman Gill Is Dating Sara Tendulkar - In Pics

Rumours about Shubman Gill and Sara Tendulkar dating have been making waves across social media, with fans picking up on various clues and public sightings. Though neither has confirmed the relationship, their interactions, along with subtle hints, have fueled widespread speculation. From social media engagements to viral videos, here's a look at the top reasons why fans think the cricket star and the legendary Sachin Tendulkar's daughter might be more than just friends.

Sep 08, 2024, 21:40 PM IST