Swiss money: SNB says its data include total deposits of Indian customers

Only only one Swiss bank -- Credit Suisse -- has a branch in India, while two others -- UBS and Zurcher Kantonal Bank -- are present in the country through one representative office each, as per the RBI data updated till January 31, 2018.

Jul 25, 2018, 12:06 PM IST

Money in Swiss banks: India slips to 88th place with Rs 4,500 crore; UK on top

India has slipped to 88th place in terms of money parked by its citizens with Swiss banks, while the UK remains on the top.

Jul 02, 2017, 14:36 PM IST

Indians' money in Swiss banks hit record low of 676 million francs

Money parked by Indians in Switzerland's banks nearly halved to 676 Swiss francs (about Rs 4,500 crore) in 2016 to hit a record low amid a continuing clampdown on the suspected black money stashed behind their famed secrecy walls.

Jun 29, 2017, 20:51 PM IST

SNB says spent $27 billion to defend franc before dropping peg

The Swiss National Bank (SNB) spent 25.8 billion Swiss francs ($26.91 billion) defending the currency late last year before abandoning its peg as too costly for the country`s economy, it said on Thursday.

Mar 26, 2015, 14:12 PM IST

Switzerland scraps euro rate cap, franc soars

The SNB had been defending the exchange rate floor since September 2011.

Jan 15, 2015, 23:25 PM IST