software maker

Lines go silent in Finnish town of Salo as Microsoft shuts Nokia phone unit

But their hopes were crushed last week when Microsoft announced it would close Nokia`s former product development unit in the town, putting all 1,100 jobs at risk. Last year the U.S. company had said it could hire more staff in Salo.

Jul 16, 2015, 18:56 PM IST

Apple, IBM to develop Apps for iPhones, iPads

The agreement will also allow the New York-based software maker to sell iPhones and iPads with solutions targeting enterprise clients.

Jul 16, 2014, 14:56 PM IST

Oracle looks to boost growth with biggest deal in 5 years

The Micros deal fits with Oracle`s plan to expand its fast-growing cloud business, where it has been a late entrant.

Jun 23, 2014, 23:55 PM IST