Solar system

Jupiter doesn't shield Earth from comet impacts: Study

The study showed that Jupiter teams with Saturn to kick a significant fraction of the particles into the inner Solar System and into orbits that cross Earth`s path.  

Feb 04, 2016, 16:23 PM IST

NASA's Juno spacecraft prepares for rendezvous with Jupiter

The Juno spacecraft`s thrusters consumed about 0.6 kg of fuel during the burn and changed the spacecraft`s speed by 0.31 metres per second.

Feb 04, 2016, 10:33 AM IST

Astronomers discover widest known solar system

The planet, known as 2MASS J2126, is estimated to have about 11.6 to 15 times the mass of Jupiter. 

Jan 27, 2016, 23:55 PM IST

NASA's Cassini heads for dramatic Titan flyby

Cassini, which is in final phase of the mission, performed a 35-second engine burn on Saturday, January 23.

Jan 27, 2016, 22:43 PM IST

Good evidence for 9th planet in solar system: Scientists

Scientists reported today they finally have "good evidence" for Planet X, a true ninth planet on the fringes of our solar system. The gas giant is thought to be almost as big as Neptune and orbiting billions of miles beyond Neptune's path, distant enough to take 10,000 to 20,000 years to circle the sun.

Jan 21, 2016, 00:15 AM IST

NASA mission finds 100 new alien planets

With a tweak to its steering ability, scientists rectified the mechanical malfunction of Kepler's lost ability to stare at the same exact spot.

Jan 10, 2016, 15:51 PM IST

'Indian orbiter still searching for methane on Mars'

The orbiter's scientific instruments were built to study the red planet's surface, its mineral composition and scan its atmosphere for methane gas in search of life-sustaining elements for at least six months.

Jan 04, 2016, 23:52 PM IST

Closest 'habitable' planet found 14 light years away

The three newly detected planets orbit the small, relatively cool and stable star about every 5, 18 and 67 days.

Dec 20, 2015, 12:25 PM IST

Curiosity spots loads of silica on Mars, bolsters water presence

Water that is acidic would tend to carry other ingredients away and leave silica behind.

Dec 18, 2015, 12:23 PM IST

Check out: Some fun facts about Neptune!

Neptune is the most dense among the giants planets of the Solar System.

Dec 16, 2015, 11:14 AM IST

Planet X: Is there a super-Earth at the edge of our solar system?

This controversial study has dealt with a healthy dose of skepticism and two major conclusions have been drawn.

Dec 15, 2015, 18:09 PM IST

See mesmerising Pluto in colour now

The wide variety of cratered, mountainous and glacial terrains gives scientists and the public alike a breathtaking, super-high-resolution colour window into Pluto’s geology.

Dec 14, 2015, 11:17 AM IST

JunoCam mission all set to explore Jupiter in 2016!

Juno will get closer to Jupiter than any previous orbiting spacecraft, giving JunoCam the best close-up views yet of the planet's colorful cloud bands.

Dec 05, 2015, 18:10 PM IST

For first time, alien planet caught in birth act

For the first time ever, a team of astronomers has directly observed a planet in the process of being born.

Nov 19, 2015, 08:51 AM IST

Why most Earth-like planet is uninhabitable

As per the University of Warwick research, the atmosphere of the planet, Kepler-438b, is thought to have been stripped away as a result of radiation emitted from a superflaring Red Dwarf star, Kepler-438.

Nov 18, 2015, 08:59 AM IST

Wind hurtles across this exoplanet at 5400 mph

 The wind speed recorded is 20x greater than the fastest ever known on earth, where it would be seven times the speed of sound.

Nov 14, 2015, 15:35 PM IST

Weather patterns in alien world unveiled

 A new technique that has revealed weather patterns in a mysterious world beyond our solar system may soon be used to analyse potential of exoplanets to host life, says a study.

Nov 04, 2015, 16:41 PM IST

Watch: NASA unveils stunning Ultra-HD video of the sun!

NASA posted the video of the sun on their YouTube channel.

Nov 02, 2015, 09:19 AM IST

When Jupiter bumped giant planet out of solar system

For years, scientists have suspected the ouster was either Saturn or Jupiter.

Nov 01, 2015, 13:39 PM IST

Discovery of oxygen on comet 'big surprise': Study

Stunned scientists announced today the unexpected discovery of large quantities of oxygen on a comet which streaked past the Sun in August with a European spacecraft in tow.

Oct 29, 2015, 01:25 AM IST